Tuesday, December 29, 2009

29 December 09

Its the time of year when football teams are gearing up for the playoffs and the choking begins. Yeah yeah Indy wants to prepare for the Super Bowl by losing. Saints are lost, Vikings are tired and the AFC Wild Card includes everyone with a pulse. Yippie, no strong teams. Oops Im sorry Team Chargers you guys are actually playing hard and winning big. I guess your plan of going all out is the key. Well atleast we have one team that has its nose to the grind, now of course next weekend they wont play have their people and will still beat the Dedskins. So its wrong for one of your coaches to interview for your job, while you are still in it? Or did all of you miss the bigger picture in the fact they found the first African American close to home and did a fake interview so they could go ahead in hire Mike Shanahan and please the NFL by faking the interview for the Rooney Rule? Yeah more of the later I would say.

Hey Urban Meyer you are NOT on the Hot Seat so why are you stressing out? It could be worse, you could be Mike Leach, Charlie Weis, or even Bob "better not lose another bowl game" Stoops, or for that matter, Jim "I cant win the big one again" Tressel. Life is good its warm in Florida and you always have excellent recruiting classes so seriously why the long face?

How is Kansas ranked #1 in CBB? Texas and Kentucky have played better competition and won all of them. Kansas is #1 on name alone. They havent impressed yet. Even Syracuse has played better than Kansas. Who in the world has Purdue beat that gives them such a lofty perch? Why is North Carolina in the Top Ten with 3 losses? Who exactly have they not lost to, that keeps them up so high. Yes they may be good but not Top Ten good right now.

Friday, December 11, 2009

11 December 09

Has anyone seen the Pittsburgh Steelers, they seem to have gone missing. Seriously, how do you lose to the Cleveland Browns when you are in a playoff hunt? How do you play that poorly. Troy Palamalu cant be that great that without him you go from Super Bowl Champ to super Chump. For all you Big Ben fans its ok, he isnt that great, its time to understand that now. Hey cant beat you, he is no Manning or Brady.

Syracuse beat Florida last night by 12 and now have basically taken apart three top 25 teams in this short season already. They have won each game this year by double digits, so where is the love? Everyone was quick to denonunce them when they lost an EXHIBITION game, now that they are killing teams where is the same press for praise? by the way, Kentucky has won some big games recently, UNC and UCONN but by 2 and 3 points respectively, SU beat UNC by 18 and Florida by 12 and CAL by 25, so lets all get on the right bandwagon. We also start a freshman so shut up!!! Can you say more complete team!!!

So if Tim D (ex NBA ref) is correct who do i pay to help officials bring in a few more wins for the Knicks. If thats all it takes, who do i talk to? Clearly, the NBA has issues and should start fixing them instead of counting dollars. What a joke this league is!!!

Concussions are all of a sudden very important in the NFL, wow the NFL has lost several great QBs to this injury over the years but now its really important to look at??? Come on people, Roger Stauback, Steve Young, Troy Aikman, just to name a few, where was this concern years ago, oh wait years ago it didnt cost the league this much money to have stars not on the field, maybe you should stop overhyping players and start hyping TEAMS. Individual stars dont win on their own, the TEAM wins.

Brian Kelly has done a great job at Cincinnati, no doubt, but why does that make him the best fit for Notre Dame? I am not a Notre Dame fan by any stretch, I loved it when Holtz left, the fell off the map, but Kelly is the best you could do with the resources you have? That is shameful and ND fans should revolt. He isnt a recruiter and the players that will be eligeable at ND (academically) will not win in his program. They will still lose games 33-30. Shame Shame Shame.

These winter meetings in MLB have proven one thing for me, the Yankees are the only team that ever want to win NOW. Look at all the balking for players and salaries with teams saying we have to look to the future. Well keep looking and you will still be losing. You can never take away a championship, so why not just go for it! Why try to play the we are building a team for the future game, when you are close now and can do it now!!! See Dodgers, Angels, Phillies, Mets, these teams can pay but dont want to. Mariners are going for it but have no shot, its cold and rains there all the time who wants to play there. Cardinals know beyond a shadow of doubt without Holliday, they wont keep Puljos so there goes that franchise, just pick up the tab and go compete for a title. Speaking of dumb, why would anyone want Milton Bradley, can you say cancerous?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

10 December 09

The Yankees won the World Series this year and a lot of the talk afterwards was about the "Core Four", Jeter, Posada, Rivera, and Petitte. Nowwhen you look at these four that now have 5 World Series Championships apiece, who makes the Hall of Fame. At first glance, we know that Rivera will go in for his Post Season stats alone and is a virtual lock first ballot HOFer. Next, Jeter is also a first ballot HOFer, and thats even if neither played another game, they are both in. Now you get to Pettite, and with him coming back for another year, he can further make his case. He wont be the lock that the other two are, but he has a very reasonable chance. He could end up with over 100 more wins than losses if he wins six more than he loses in the upcoming season. All pitchers that have that stat that are eligiable are in. He has the most post season wins. He pitched in 8 World Series with two teams. He does have a high ERA but this is the steroid era where hitters obviously had the advantage. He admitted to HGH but his reason of trying to recover from injury and being honest about it will help him and he is very likeable. He should make it. Last, we get to Posada, and he will be the hardest case of the "Core Four", because of his stats. Yes he has 5 Rings, he is a reasonably good hitting catcher which is a very tough position. But his stats dont jump out at you at all. His best years are average, maybe not for a catcher but for hitters in general. Only once did he reach 100 RBIs. He hit 30 HRs once. He will finish with probably around 1700 hits, so his case will be very debatable. It gets back to his contributions to the teams that won 5 Rings, and the first one he was a backup, the next time he split time. So where does he rank with HOF catchers? The Yankees will undoubtably retire all 4 of these guys numbers when they quit playing. Its tough sometimes because these are Yankees and the Yankee lore and history will be most of what these guys are judged by, but they are truly great players and probably only three will get the Hall Call. The biggest thing to remember when looking at these four is this, it is A LOT HARDER now to win it all than it was for Yankee teams of years gone by. You can say Pettite has more wins in post season because of the extended playoffs, but keep in mind to win it all you have to go through three rounds now and that makes it so much harder to keep playing at a level of excellence because each series you play against tougher and tougher teams. Wouldnt it be amazing if all four retired together and got inducted to the HOF together, but alas that wont happen. Jeter will play a lot longer than the other three as Rivera, Posada and Pettite are all older and have dimishing skills where as Jeter could keep hitting for years to come. By the way, Jeter is ahead of Pete Roses pace for all time hits.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

9 December 09

People its time to start realizing that once you begin to idolize some human being because they are really good at something, they get knocked down. God is letting you know he is the only one to idolize. Its a commandment, yet all of you still want to find sports figures as idols. Shame on you. If you look at it most of these sports idols fall prey to the simplest of transgressions too. Magic, Jordan and now Tiger, sins of the flesh. They dont even go out of their way to screw up tough ones, they simply just abuse their status by falling for the oldest trick in the book the devil employs, sex. The downfall of the majority of men is sins of flesh. Does sex change their ability to play sports, no but it does change our perception of them. So pay attention, why idolize a human being and then act surprised when they fall, even David fell!!! Its not that God isnt paying attention, its that he is paying attention. If your super idol is tempted so easily, God shows you that He is the only one!

And so now in Week 13, it looks as if my prediction of Baltimore vs. Philidelphia in the Super Bowl isnt going to happen. How did they fall so fast? Ray Lewis is only so good and that offense isnt producing as it should. Philly could make a statement but they arent consistent enough either. The Redskins should be 6-6 but arent because of their inability to close out games with what is touted as a great defense. Haynesworth isnt worth $100 million, he is a big tired crybaby. The Vick experiment is boring. Favre came back to earth, thank goodness. Eventually, all gunslingers go back to slinging, hahaha Vikings get back on track and hand the ball to Peterson.

Seriously, TCU vs. Boise St, come on is that the best we can do. TCU should be playing Florida, Cincinnati should be playing Boise St and what kind of world sends Iowa to a BCS bowl. Are that many teams this bad? USC fell apart. Notre Dame needs to swallow its pride and join the Big Ten. IF it wasnt for alumni we wouldnt even hear about ND. They havent been relevant in years!!! But so many want them to be they whine in the media to keep hopes alive. BOO HOO let it go. You are either an institution of higher learning or a sports factory, ie. Florida, Alabama, USC, etc... Speaking of which, why are they considering paying athletes? They get an opportunity for a FREE education. Ask any kid that wants to go to a school that cant afford it if they think athletes should also get paid and they will laugh at you. You are either there to teach or produce professional players, not both. Too bad higher learning is about money.

If the road to the World Series goes through New York, then why dont more teams want to pony up for a guy with a career winning percantage of .750 against them. Really, do you want to make money or win championships. Say what you will about the Steinbrenners, they want to win and are willing to spend to do it. So all you Yankee haters stop whinning because your ownership just wants to make money, Championships be damned. Speaking of stupid, the Nationals are paying Pudge $6 million over two years for a backup roll. Really, that is your idea of improving your fan base and increase ticket sales? Their starting catcher doesnt even make that. Wow. Some people know how to spend others dont have a clue.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2 December 09

Hey didnt they use to play basketball in New Jersey?

So the top three teams have stayed the top three teams all year, Florida, Alabama, and Texas, boring. Does anyone remember the year everyone just keep losing when they got to the top, it was only 2007. Boy the good old days. TCU will get no shot at title. Cincinnati should lose against Pitt so atleast they will know why they will get no shot at the title. Boise State well atleast they have that cool blue turf cause thats all they get. But what can i expect you all are the same people that keep picking from Republicans and Democrats no matter how bad they are, this country use to be about how was best for the job. Now its about picking the lesser of two evils. What a shame!

Favre just wont go away. cant any defense fix this problem. one good hit and hes done that all defensive coordinators, he doesnt like getting hit, send the kitchen sink after him in the first half and knock him and Minnesota out! Drew Brees, Peyton Manning, Favre, Chris Johnson all very nice MVP candidates sure, but what which one is the one you want with the ball when it matters? Goodbye Broncos, Giants, Falcons its been nice seeing you. Hello Titans, Eagles and Bengals. Where did you go Ravens, come back, I had you going all the way! Has anyone seen Joe Flacco cir. 2008?

How is MLB making so much money and teams are losing money?

Derek Jeter SI Sportsman of the Year. Normally, I would love this but really who were the other choices, most of these bums er, professional athletes are drunk, drugged, overpaid, wife beaters, strip club frequenters, really where are the men that use to play sport.

For all those that believe money buys happiness just ask Elin Woods. Her husband is loaded and bored apparently. WHo hasnt had a wife chase them out into the night with a weapon upon finding out there is some infidelity. so what people move on. She will get more than half, they have two kids.

The one and done rule in NCAA basketball is stupid stupid stupid. All this great young talent will be long gone before it even develops. Its too bad too because follow on years could be real exciting with the talent in college this year. One year is not enough time to Gell. Everyone wants money, doesnt anyone actually want a championship? Isnt that why we play the game? to be the best, the Champs? Why does everyone want money? A lot of the pro athletes end up broke anyway, cant manage their own finances.

Monday, November 30, 2009

30 November 09

Well the year is crusing by and what a bore the football season is becoming. Teams are terrible, Giants, Ravens, Eagles, Steelers, etc... Only two three teams playing well, Colts, Saints and Vikes. And please no Vikes Super Bowl win, i dont think i could handle all the Favre love. He would be knighted and that would be painful. The college football season almost seems to be a wash. Start to finish Florida, Alabama and Texas are walking in the park. Three good teams Cincinnati, TCU and Boise St. have no chance at title and that sucks, I now and forever will hate the Bowls. People there will never be a playoff in major college football and that is a crime. FBS Football Bowl Subdivision, yup never be a playoff and all you fools will continue to contribute to it by going to the games and watching on tv instead of making a stand and boycotting these things so they lose money and have to heed the voices of the public we will continue to watch the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Even mentioning a second place Big Ten team as a BCS bowl contender is so wrong over an undefeated team that just shows People are selfish. Shame on all of you for not fighting back, where is the American spirit? 16 teams fighting for the championship. why are we even considering sending teams that dont even win their conference to the top games.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

18 November 09

Well Football is at a point where its just ugly to me. There are no good teams in the NFL right now, yes that includes you Colts and Saints. Just because you have been handed wins doesnt make you good. THe Vikings have played one defense and lost, so you are suspect plus you got the old guy and he will crumble like always. The Bad teams, Raiders, Chiefs, Rams are all really really bad. The Redskins think they can make the playoffs!!! thats the best joke so far this season. Win more than one in a row then we will talk. NCAA is just as bad, there are no more blowouts in collge football, no more dominating teams, yes shut up alabama, you are not that dominate. You have 6 undefeateds but it wont matter only two get the big money, its about time we start calling it that as that is all NCAA cares about. MONEY MONEY MONEY. MONEY. I hope they have 5 undefeated teams at the end of the year and point fingers and tell certain programs yup you dont get any of this MONEY MONEY MONEY. its not a national championship, its teh MONEY BOWL!!!!! and by the way a PLUS 1 is an even dumber idea than the MONEY BOWL. No you are going to have TWO MONEY BOWLS in one season just how greedy are these people. Hey we get this bowl because fans travel, does anyone see the stupidity of that statement? WHat the hell do fans have to do with how good the teams are? Since when do fans play the games? You go to a bowl based on your merit as a team, well atleast you should but not in the NCAA MONEY MONEY MONEY BOWLS!!! hey no bowl for you, you dont bring any MONEY.

MLB shortening the season so we dont play games in November or in a Blizzard not even on the table, why? Refer to earlier answer: MONEY MONEY MONEY. hey its a rich mans world!!!!

Horseshoes anyone?

Monday, November 9, 2009

9 November 09

My time is up I cant avoid it any longer, so i will issue my statement. Today i must eat crow. I said that NO TEAM with Alex Rodriquez on it would ever win a Championship. I am wrong. He proved to be a ehh winner. He played best when his team needed him. He really carried them at a couple of points this playoff season. He is a good player. Sorry but that is the best I can do. He is A-Rod, no more call him the other thing, which i liked a little, to be honest. But give him his do, he put all himself behind him played ball and is a champion. He did have help though, IM just saying. now i will get it together and move on.

What kind of weird football universe are we on? The Giants have now lost 4 straight and are inventing new ways to lose. The Cowgirls look actually good. Hey Colin Cowherd whats up with that Lock pick of Philly over Dallas. Thanks for nothing. A rookie QB in Tampa put up more points by himself than the Redskins have all year. My pick for the Super Bowl at midseason looks horrible; Baltimore vs. Philly. Yuck yuck yuck. Has New Orleans scored less than 30 points at any time this year? Are the Colts getting lucky? Vince Young is 2-0. with 8 to go.

Iowa blew it. I knew they would but i was hoping. Now the best we can do it 6 undefeated teams but of course someone has to lose SEC Champ. Bummer. Isnt Standford a volleyball school? Hey Oregon good ahh effort??? 52 points?? wow. Does anyone outside of the SEC play defense in this country? Well, one good thing happened this weekend, Notre Dame LOST to Navy. Its always a good weekend when they lose!!!

The NHL is in trouble if its best stars keep getting hurt. That guy in DC cant decide if he is out for a month or maybe a couple of games and they cant win without him. So how many days till the outside game again, that is about all i like of the regular season.

Monday, November 2, 2009

2 November 09

Brett Favre blah blah blah, Packers blah blah blah, thank goodness now they are done playing each other can we please stop hearing about this ridiculously lame story. By the Way for all you out there, this story started before the 13-3 seasons end, Ted Thompson and Brett butted heads drastically the year prior which started it all. Favre wanted Thompson to bring in Randy Moss and he said no, then Favre watched as Tom Brady with Randy Moss set all kinds of passing records and oh by the way go undefeated, that was the end of the relationship between those two and they have hated each other since. Favre thought he had power, Thompson proved he didnt and now they both are idiots.

Hey didnt you guys used to be the undefeated top of your class Giants? How in the world did the Rams score 17 points? Hey the Redskins scrimmaged themselves in their by week and only lost by 10 points.

So now here it is 2nd of November and the Yankees hold a 3 to 1 lead. Cliff Lee will go tonight for the Phillies in a must win after Brad Lidge lost his composure in Game 4. AJ Burnett will go on 3 days rest to try to clinch for the Yankees. The longer it stays close the better for New York and obviously a bullpen game could be very interesting provided Riveria doesnt come in. If its tied and they pull Lee it could be ugly for the Phillies. Tell me something, why not just pitch Chad Gaudin and let Burnett and Petitte rest, and they both can pitch game six if needed and allow CC game 7? If Lee throws another gem you waste Burnett who is better at home anyway. What if Gaudin could keep it close that would completely put all the pressure on the Phillies and maybe make them crack. I mean the Yankees have beaten Cliff Lee before, so anything is possible but Giradi has his ideas I guess and one win away from the Champioship and he is going for the throat, thats good if you are a Yankee fan. And for the Phillies what do you do if Lee gives up some early runs, when does panic time set in?

Friday, October 30, 2009

30 October 09

One more day to Halloween. And yet i get no candy, just because i am too old to fit into a custome, it just doesnt seem fair.

Two games down in the World Series and its all tied at 1. Cliff Lee was lights out in game 1 and AJ Burnett pitched 7 solid innings to get the series tied up. Lots of good pitching not a lot of hitting coming from Ryan Howard or Alex Rodriquez. So what is in store for us this weekend in this series? Baseball has proved it needs Instant Replay so how long till Selig gets this done? Another two back to back bad calls and i dont want to hear any well they evened out talk, because that just doesnt cut it anymore.

Favre goes back to Green Bay this weeekend still dont care. But this should be the last time we have to hear about Favre and Green Bay. I agree with Mike Golic right now Aaron Rodgers is a better QB. If Rodgers had Adrian Peterson, his teams won loss record would be better too.

I am all for having about 5 or 6 different FBS teams go undefeated this year and see who the computer, you know the one that Bill Gates made that freezes up all the time, pick the BCS game. I mean Iowa of all teams has the toughest battle as no one wants to see a Big Ten team in the big game again, thank you Ohio State. TCU couldnt get into a good conference like its fellow Texas' schools, Cincinnati and the Big East are not what the Big East used to be withoout Miami, Virginia Tech, who lost at home last night, and Boston COllege in the mix, Boise State will never be given a shot even without undefeated teams, the WAC is horrible, so whats the fix without a playoff? Here is a radical idea make conference champions play each other in the early Bowl schedule then pick the winners for the Big Bowls.

Hey NBA fans did you see the game 6 2002 Western COnference finals apparently neither did the refs.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

28 October 09

It all comes down to this: You catch the ball, you throw the ball, and you hit the ball. Everything else is just gravy. It doesnt matter what happened yesterday it only matters what happens after the umpire says "play ball" And so tonight starts the 2009 MLB World Series between the New York Yankees and Philidelphia Phillies. What is a Philly by the way? Everyone says Yankees in 6. I dont I say Yankees in 4! But hey its going to be baseball at its best.

Sabathia vs Lee
Martinez vs Burnett
Petitte vs Hamels

After that its anyones guess. WHo will hit better? Who will run? How good will the defense be?Whos uniforms look better, well duh the Yankees, they dont change! You cant mistake those pinstrips! Matsui. THere you have it.

What's next?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

27 October 09

Its nice being a Giants fan here in DC as i sit and listen each day going to and from work all the Redskins fans wanting to fire everyone because their team is not producing much. It is great and makes the commute more bearable.

The NBA kicks off its season and i will say it again, not even interesting until March.

Didnt NFL Europe fail, so why are we playing games in London? They will never like our football over there just like we dont like their football over here. Surprising as they are all violent fans and our game certainly has some violence in it. Just ask and linemen!

College Football this year has no clear dominate team, is it me or are there just too many 23 to 17 games going on? When do we get to see teams dominate like the days of old. Iowa wants to be involved in the BCS championship game talk and yet they won 15 to 13 on a last second touchdown of which i have to wonder what the CB was thinking when he was guarding that receiver. It was clearly a slant route. Alabama almost and probably should have lost AT HOME, to Tennessee. Why do coaches settle for field goal attempts, that is playing to not lose which is usually what happens. That DL Cody for Alabama was lucky he wasnt called for one of those celebrating penalities as the play wasnt dead and he threw he helmet off. That would have been great a 15 yard penalty and rekick! Is it me or does USC always lose to an unranked PAC10 team? why are they never punished for that, they are still in the top 5 in polls? The ACC is horrible, the Big 12 North is even worse, the Big East isnt much better and the Mountain West wants acceptablility. Yuck. The best fame of the year is going to be the SEC Championship. How can we seriously consider Iowa, TCU, Boise St, and Cinncinati when they couldnt even win a division of the SEC let alone the conference. Here is routing for Texas and a decent BCS game for a change.

Monday, October 26, 2009

26 october 09

2009 World Series New York Yankees vs. Philidelphia Philles. Seems poetic. Angels really dont like cold weather. Hey Cleveland CC vs Cliff, they used to be yours. bummer. after all the hub bub isnt Mariano Riveria the real "Mr. October"?

Hey Eagles fans, see what happens when you run the ball against Raiders, you win and win HUGE. bummer on that 46 passes thing, maybe you need a new game plan eh? Giants have lost two in a row. New Orleans sure can light up a scoreboard. Were there any good games this weekend, i think not!!! how many teams lost by 4 touchdowns, atleast 6, same, and so much for that parody thing.

Yankees in 6. Two home run producing parks and lineups. how about three or four 8 to 7 games?

Baltimore Ravens vs. Philidelphia Eagles Super BOwl is looking a little rough right now, but its a long season.

Isnt Jim Zorn a nice guy? So calm.

Hey for $1.5 billion dollars how come they couldnt get a retrackable roof?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

21 October 09

Phillies up 3 to 1 and Yankees up 3 to 1, two teams with monster lineups, yet what do you want to bet that the WOrld Series between them would be about pitching. Each needs atleast one more win to get there so dont start the debate yet.

Isnt it nice when you buy something shiny and new and it actually works out to your expectation levels for when you made the purchase. CC Sabathia has done everything that the Yankees could have hoped for so far this postseason. Burnett hasnt been that bad either, now if they could just get Tex to hit, they would have hit the trifecta on their offseason acquistions.

Hey has anyone seen the Ryan Howard that struck out a million times this season, he has gone missing.

Wasnt the Dodger bullpen supposed to be a strength going into these playoffs? In all fairness to Manny, which i hate to do, the game should have been over, Broxton didnt do his job, they win and no one would have even heard about the shower. Why does it seem that with extra umpires in the playoffs more calls are being missed, isnt more supposed to be better?

Pro Football needs a minor league like the other sports, there is too much watered down football, we could start by placing the Raiders, Rams (hey didnt they both used to be in LA), Lions, and Chiefs there as intial teams! No not the Redskins, we still need a few teams to pick on and laugh at. The Guy never worked as anything more than a Quartback Coach, what did they think would happen?

People keep telling me the Hockey and Basketball are playing but I tell them, those two sports dont start until March when they begin to play to see what four teams wont make the playoffs.

One more thing, Serena Williams and a couple of others did a nice photo shoot, stop whining about it and start doing more of them, we need more bare essentials in the world!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

19 October 09

Yankees are winning with A-Rod being clutch. Who would have figured that? Tex hasnt been hitting but the two pitchers they picked up have been more than could have been hoped for and the bullpen has been fantastic even if missused a bit.

The Phillies are certainly handling the Dodgers pretty easily, can the Dodgers make it a series?

Hey I think Tom Brady just through another TD pass.

What in the world happened to the Titans? Did the Eagles forget to show up yesterday? How do you lose to the Raiders? That Saints offense is good! Its not even fun making fun of the Redskins anymore, they are just BAD!

College football is just a let down right now, there are no dominant teams at all! yup i said it, NO dominant teams out there just screaming we are the team to beat. Boy you have to feel bad for Sam Bradford, he comes back giving up the No1 overall pick in the draft and just cant stay healthy. For all those of you wondering why most college atheletes dont come back that is the reason, he wont even be drafted in the first round when he does come out. Tim Tebow will be drafted higher to play fullback. So sad for Bradford.

Phil Jackson wants Ron Artest to be more aggresive. Really, that last time Artest was really aggressive didnt he charge into a crowd at the Palace and cause a little ruckous?

Why are they playing a NFL game in London?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

13 October 09

Sunday really hurt the Boston area, Red Sux sweeped as their closer blew the game and Patriots lose to Broncos and those hideous uniforms in overtime. ouch

So i totally blew all the National League series games. Dodgers won in three and the Phillies won in four. So now its LA vs Phil. But the A-Rod came through in a big way. So now its Yankees and Angels in ALCS. The Yankees offseason acquisitions: CC 6 2/3, 1 ER, AJ 6, 1 ER Tex 1 GW Home Run. So far so good. But the series belonged to A-Rod, 2 HRs and 6 RBIs, by the way, he knocked in Jeter three times. We are left with the best two teams in each league fighting for the Championship, MLB has to be excited with the largest markets still involved.

Broncos 5-0, Redskins lose again to a winless team, just awesome by the way, the Zorn watch will get interesting, Wildcat running all over. Titans 0-5, Manning boys looking good, Cowboys pull one out of nowhere, McNabb is healthy, the Bengals leading their division, impressive, does this mean more ochocinco talk coming, and finally whats up with retro uniforms?

Please kill retro unis, they are scary and hurtful to the eyes. Josh McDaniel was sure happy Sunday! Wow from mahiem to 5-0, dont really know what to make of this team just yet, Monday night sure will be interesting Broncos vs. Chargers in San Diego.

Just how bad is Florida State and how where they able to whip BYU? No one plays defensive football like the SEC, Fla 13 LSU 3. Ok i will admit I am already looking forward to the FLA vs. ALA SEC Championship game, offenses beware!!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

8 October 09

Day 1 MLB Playoffs:
Phi 5 Col 1
NYY 7 Minn 2

All in all pretty much what was expected, ok maybe with the exception of Carpenter pitching so badly. Wow wrong time to have your worst outing eh? How can Albert Pulojus and Matt Holliday be sooo bad against lefties? Really really bad, that is shameful.

NFL right now is nothing but will he play or wont he? Or worse yet should he play or should he not, sounds like a Shakespeare play doesnt it?

Why do they start the NHL season in October, and now NBA preseason, this may be the busiest month of sports, we all know that February is the lightest.

Isnt NASCAR supposed to be taking stock cars and racing them, because last time i checked there are no role bars in any stock cars on any lot in this city, do i have to go down south to find that? Anyway, Dale Jr must be a terrible driver, he is with the best racing team and hasnt done a damn thing for them or himself or his crew! Well atleast he is making money with Brett Farver selling Wrangler Jeans!!!! wooo hooo

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

7 October 09

What a great game last night Twins 6 TIgers 5 in 12. Now they get to face the Yankees team that is rested and ready to christen the new ballpark. So here we go:

Yankees in 4
Red Sux in 5
Rockies in 4
Cardinals in 4

Yankees in 7
Cardinals in 6

Yankees in 6

hey Vikings fans the Jets started 8-3 last year and missed the playoffs so dont get all Favre goo goo just yet. He still will be his old self and start chucking the ball around.

To Tebow or not to Tebow, well its your season if you lose, so figure the odds he wont play. Bradford on the other hand, take another week off, you dont see Texas till the following week. The Texas game is your season!

Does anyone notice that the Hockey season started? Ovechkin has 9 points already in three games, move over Syd the Kid, this could be the Caps year.

If ever there was a year where A-Rod could excell in the playoffs, its this year. He has no pressure on him as its a team of good hitters and they have some good pitching to go with it. He could quietly win it all for the Yankees and become a legend. Or he could once again be himself.

McNabb will be back this weekend and thank goodness, now for the rest of you shut up about Vick. He is not a starter in this league, not this year anyway. The guy hired in Washington to be the Offensive Coordinator that then became the Head Coach just got an Offensive Consultant, yup he will be gone very very soon, Sorry Mr. Zorn but the writings is on the wall. How in the world did the Raiders win a game and the Titans havent? Crabtree are you serious? What a waste of time and money, dumb dumb dumb!

Monday, October 5, 2009

5 October 09

Lets recap: Miami won at home over Oklahoma (without Bradford) still a good win. Boise State moves down in the rankings after a win? Cal is horrible! Florida State, Bowden must Go! Seriously, he isnt on the field and nor does it seem are his players.

Patriots hold on over Ravens. Steelers almost give up huge lead vs Chargers! Saints put up most impressive win against Jets by using its DEFENSE, yup defense won that game! Hey has anyone seen the Titans? They were around here a year ago, they seemed to be missing. Broncos win again, but dont believe the hype people, they still havent played a good team yet to prove anything. Hey Dallas fans, YOU GUYS ARE BAD!!! But atleast the Redskins are in your division so you wont finish last, the Redskins are really really bad!

Packers vs Vikings tonight. Old vs new Favre blah blah blah, lets get this overwith already. Favre blah blah blah. The only person that cares about tonight is Favre!

So extra baseball for the tigers and twins, for the right to play the yankees, doesnt seem like a bonus to anyone but the ticket sales people!

As we open the 2009 MLB Playoffs one thing is for sure, EVERY team has problems!!! Dodgers cant hit and no reliable pitching. Cardinals no bullpen, same for Philly and Angels. Rockies clutch hitting could be scarce. Will BOston be able to throwout a runners stealing bases? Tigers and Twins may be too tired just getting there. And finally, The Yankees still have A-Rod so its anyones ball game!

But alas, 2009 World Series is St. Louis vs New York!

Friday, October 2, 2009

2 October 09

NHL season kicks off in grand fashion. Capitals #8 picks up where he left off scoring goals. Bruins did the same, Losing! Its going to be a long season with the Olympic break this winter.

Another weekend of exciting gridiron classics: Oklahoma vs. Miami(FL)
Balitmore vs New England (AFC Championship preview)
New Orleans vs New York Jets
Worst Game of the week goes to: Tampa Bay vs Washington!!!!

Only a week till MLB playoffs start.

Tiger made a $1 billions, so what isnt like he is sharing it with me, so who cares!!! Hey all you golf fans what the hell is the Presidents Cup? And why do Golfers defend it?

New York Knicks are looking good for cap space for next year! How many all stars will the get???

Would anyone outside of New York watch a Giants vs Jets Super Bowl?

Has anyone seen $100 million man Albert Hanesworth? I havent seen him this season is he still playing football, I mean you figure for $100 Million he would atleast be around something right?

How come National League Pitchers Hitting stats dont get counted in their Cy Young bids, I mean it would serve as another discriminator if you have two or three very close pitchers, hitting is apart of the game. Carpenter had a Grand Slam and finished with 6 RBIs last night, it should help him that he can pitch and hit at the same time.

Are the Red Sux and Dodgers going to be ok, I mean has either won a game in a week or what. Should the Dodgers and Rockies go all out for this weekends matchup for the Division or sit and try to prepare lineups for playoffs? Remember two years ago the Giants went all out against the Patriots in final game of year with nothing to gain except and edge in the Super Bowl which paid off handsomely in the end, so go or no go?

Monday, September 28, 2009

28 September 09

After three weeks of the NFL season and the early returns are all New York! Giants and Jets both 3-0. Pittsburgh 1-2, Redskins lose to lowly Lions, awesome by the way!!! Some teams may challenge the 0-16 of a year ago by the Lions. Caution football fans its still way too early to get all that excited, except of course if you are the Redskins, you guys are in serious trouble, your only win was 9-7 over the Rams who may not win all year. There was even a Brett Favre sighting this weekend, wow. It is nice to hear the Redskins fans all cry about their team and want to fire everyone!

Remember Ravens vs. Eagles in Super Bowl!

Yankees have had two back to back series wins now and clinched AL East and homefield throughout. We wont even touch the 9-1 over last ten against the Red Sux. Boy where would the Sux be without that 8-0 start against New York, right now. Joe Mauer AL MVP, Zach Greinke AL Cy Young. NL Cy Young, pick your St Louis pitcher. NL MVP Albert Polujus. Too bad St Louis wont make the World Series.

Hey Phil Mickleson is still alive.

Hockey preseason has started, does anyone watch the regular season to this sport, I mean it isnt interesting till the playoffs start because well everyone makes the playoffs anyway, why even play a regular season?

NCAA football, isnt this sport just grand!!! Lets hear it for losses and big upsets! Notre Dame is terrible, Miami isnt back, Florida St is confused, Cal is thumped, JoePA corned again, Ole Miss is well Ole Miss, and Texas has just scored again!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

15 September 09

Roger Federer lost the US Open and already they want to claim he has lost his edge. Seriously people even Tiger Woods loses every now and then. Nobody is perfect, not even Derek Jeter but he is close.

Boy, the Patriots pulled one out of nowhere last night, as did the Chargers, not too good for teams that are supposed to dominate their respective divisions to almost lose to teams in their division. The NFL has to stop these through back jersey nights, those were horrible!! Its nice to see TO have a bad night and Moss have a good one.

After one week of NFL action, nobody looked good.

Monday, September 14, 2009

14 September 09

NFL week 1 is underway and it was very exciting. Giants need offense, McNabb needs health, Pittsburgh is boring, Zorn is not a good coach, Romo took a page from terry Bradshaws book and went deep again and again and again, Detroit lost, Sanchez won, Favre is OLD, and where did the Ravens get offense and where did their defense go?

Brady tonight oh yeah and some other teams are going to play.

Baseball is coming to a close and its about time, lets get on with the playoffs already!!

The old Tiger Woods was seen this weekend, crushing opponents and the golf course, winning by 8 strokes.

The Big 12 isnt so big in college football, Michigan still isnt ready for primetime and Ohio St may actually be good. USC is going to be just fine with a Freshman, UCLA is going to be waiting for them, and once again the SEC will reign supreme.

Friday, September 11, 2009

11 September 09

Year 8

Big Ben did a good job last night and once again Madden football strikes with Troy P out for 3 to 6 weeks with a sprained left knee. Look out Larry F. you are next! I understand there are A LOT of Pittsburgh fans in the world but come on really how many wonderful games of 13 to 10 are we going to see this season, so boring!!! I mean lets open up the offense fellas, lets get some break aways. Defensive football is great dont get me wrong but it is truly boring to watch. 13 to 10 yuck

Tiger Tiger Tiger, boring, what have you done for me lately. He is on the downside now. Lost a major and actually has to compete to win regular tournaments, the mystique is gone.

Well the 17 year old girl is gone and so is the interest in the US Open.

Dallas spent over a billion dollars on their stadium and couldnt even get a Week 1 home game. Bummer, Jerry how could you let that happen. Oh and way to stand firm on the not moving the big screen, who cares if you get ten yard punts, your defense is terrible and will love playing with a short field, atleast there wont be any 13 to 10 games!!

If St Louis had a closer they would have the best record in baseball! hey Tony isnt it great having Phat Albert?

Hey wasnt the wishbone killed off years ago?

By the way, Derek Jeter is ahead of Pete Rose's pace in hits, Im just saying!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09 - 09 - 09

Yesterday I said no Americans in US Open, what I should have said was no American males left in tournament. My bad.

By the way what kind of Hotel kicks out a teenager trying to win the US Open? That is really dumb from a PR standpoint and not very patriotic either. Duh people!!

Richard Seymour doesnt want to be a Raider, well who can blame him. I wouldnt either. You go from the team with a great chance to win the Super Bowl, to a team with a certain chance to watch it on big screen.

Stop picking on the Pirates and tell me when was the last time the KC Royals or Baltimore Orioles were relevant.

When was the last time Oklahoma won a big game? Why are we saying that Notre Dame and Michigan are back? Shouldnt they beat some one first and each other doesnt count. What was the last game a Big Ten school won that actually meant something?

How many ex-football players does ESPN need to analyze football? Seriously, is that gig apart of some retirement plan for the NFL?

Super Bowl Prediction: Baltimore Ravens vs. Philadelphia Eagles in the least watched Super Bowl of all time!!!! Oh and the Eagles will win McNabb MVP and next year during the draft the Eagles will select with the 32nd pick Max Hall QB from BYU.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

8 September 09

College Football is under way and thank goodness. The games werent exactly great but they were games to watch. Miami vs Florida State proves once again that they sure can play exciting games against each other. Too bad Bowden always seems to end up on the short end of the stick in those matchups. Sam Bradford, maybe you should have went into the draft, bummer, now you cant win Heismann or National CHampionship as you wont even be on the field for most of the season. Colt McCoy your job jsut got harder, believe it or not, now all the pressure is on you. Tim Tebow will roll through the season and if McCoy slips up against Oklahoma, after their loss, Texas is done too. So now with the loss to BYU for Oklahoma and Fla States loss to Miami, how jumbled up are things going to be when FSU beats BYU?

No Americans in US Open of Tennis, wow are we that bad? It just isnt what it used to be.

Thursday starts the NFL season, with so much anticipation we await the begining of a new opportunity to raise the Lombardi Trophy, yet only one team can do it and that is not your team, sorry for you, but this year, its going to be the Patriots once again!

Pirates are in the midst of enjoying their 17th straight losing season, but dont worry, they have a plan! Any talent developed that may bring them to a winning season will be traded immediately so as to go after the record of most losing seasons by a franchise in consectutive years while still maintaining a small fan base, thank goodness for the Steelers and Penquins!

Is Eli the right Manning brother for such a large contract? Yes they did win a Super Bowl, but really, his brother already has the Hall of Fame numbers that he will never have!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

2 September 09

College football is here, this weekend we start out with several interesting games, but the big question is can Florida go undefeated? Oklahoma and Texas, we know one will have a loss as they play each other. USC can go undefeated but with a Freshman QB that will be tough. Ohio State we all know to be a tease and with Michigan down the Big Ten is not as good. Speaking of Michigan, when does Rich ROd get fired, I mean he is not the kind of coach they like at UM another down year and please get rid of him, Big Ten football isnt the same when Michigan is irrelevant.

The NFL is a week away and frankly, coaches get over yourselves and lets get rid of two preseason games, its a waste of time and boring. 4th and 5th stringers are in by the second quarter ho hum, who cares, we want action. Also, while i am on the soap box, lets play every team in our conferences atleast once. Think of the joy of being the supreme team in the conference by having the conferences best record!!

With the Yankees playing great baseball and the Dodgers slipping, my dream matchup isnt looking as good as it did a month ago. Too bad. Torre vs the Yankees would look really good. Speaking of looking good, what happened to Josh Beckett, from my perspective, he has been awesome giving up 15 HRs in his last five starts but Im not sure Sox fans would agree.

One last question for the day. Why does Eagles Management hate Donovan McNabb? Its seems every year they are bringing in another QB, why? I just dont understand this. So someone please explain.

Monday, August 31, 2009

31 August 09

Well i have been out of the loop for awhile now and just getting back into the swing of things, but a lot has happened.

They gave Vick a job and Pinella should lose his.

Tiger choked for the first time in a Major and lost to a Korean fellow, no Asian had ever won a major before. Tiger couldnt buy a putt with all his money and still cant. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Florida is the concensus number 1 team in college football, but the best game of the year will be Oklahoma vs. Texas, no offense SEC but they dont play a lot of defense in that conference so two Heismann hopefulls should light it up.

The Dodgers may not even win their division if they keep up the losing! Does anyone want to win the AL Central?

Monday, August 10, 2009

10 August 09

Well Tiger does it again. Is there anything to say about him that hasnt been said? I think not!

Red Sux have a lousy weekend but the Yankees have a great one. Damon and Texiera ball out Giraidi, again.

Football season is ever so much closer. TO looked pretty tame in the Hall of Fame game. What was the deal with those throw back unis in that game. Boy that was a nice powder blue wasnt it!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

6 August 09

So here it is the begining of August and I still cant find a Red Sux fan to talk baseball with. The Phillies made the biggest splash at the trading deadline but i dont think it will help. They will not be able to beat the Dodgers two years in a row, that is of course if the Phillies can even beat the Cardinals. The Cardinals have a very light schedule for a month and should be able to take full advantage.

The Yankees are winning and A-Rod isnt really playing that well, if he heats up it could be lights out for the rest of the American League. As it stands right now I vote for Mark Texiera as MVP, he has been an incredible difference maker for New York for his all around game.

Another day another football player looking for mercy from Roger Goodell, when does it end, when do these superstar athletes learn they are not above the law and need to be accountable for themselves these spoiled little brats. I blame the media for hyping them as the next great thing from the time they are in grade school. I mean do we seriously need to evaluate middle school kids for a top 100 list in their sport in their age group. Give it a rest guys leave these kids alone and let them grow up.

Friday, July 31, 2009

31 July 09

So now it all comes clear, everyone cheats!!! so what it takes to end an 86 year curse is steriods! Awesome!

I am tired of hearing about Michael Vick and Brett Favre. Who cares!!!

Hey Phil is back, so what Tiger isnt.

Seriously was there any doubt after last year and the start of this year that Ortiz was juicing and hell Manny, duh he even tried to stay on them. Wow are some athletes dumb!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

29 July 09

Its just 2 days to the trading deadline and I for the life of me with the exception of money, which shouldnt be a problem can not figure out why in the world the Red Sux and Yankees are going after Roy Halladay.

Red Sux rotation: Beckett, Halladay, Lester, Penny, Wakefield bullpen SMoltz and Paps

Yankees rotation: Sabathia, Halladay, Burnett, Petitte, Chamberlain (Hughes, whichever they keep), bullpen Brunney and Mo

And these will be pretty much the same next year. Or throw in a health Dice-K or Wang for wakefield and petitte. Makes a great deal of sense to me, those are rotations that will shut down any lineup any time any where. Game over!

For that matter, if the World Series opponent is Yankees or Red Sux, why arent the National League teams signing up for Halladay, He has career winning record against both and its not close!! So is this year the year to win cheaply? The goal is to win right?

Oh well football is starting soon, so very soon!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

28 July 09

So once again proving in this country anything can be forgiven if you can win a championship, Michael Vick will be reinstated. Just about the only thing you cant do and be forgiven by sports fans is bet on your team. eh Pete? He bet them to win so why is that bad again?

There is still a ton of trades going on in the NBAs third season and yet they still dont make sense. Chandler for Okafur, its all money. Isnt the point of a roster is for players to help you win, not be cheap. Can you win with cheap players? Dont know of any teams that have, the Rays came close last year, but still didnt win.

Baseball division leaders as of today: NY Yankees, Detriot, LA Angels, Philly, Chicago Cubs, & LA Dodgers, so so much for the small market teams and parody. Detriot wont last either the White Sox will catch them down the stretch with better pitching. If the Phillies get Halladay should we just hand them the title, or for fun can we just keep playing the games. The Yankees are now just one game back for best record in baseball. Come on, any fan of baseball you have to want to see that play out, Torre and Dodgers vs. Girardi and Yankees.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

26 July 09

So life is just getting better and better. The Yankees have gone 9-1 on the homestand and made a bolt for the top of the AL East, while BOston and Tampa have been struggling a little bit. Now they go on the rode and we shall see if they can keep it up.

The Tour de Bore is over and now we dont have to hear about that for atleast another year thank goodness. Sorry but its a bike race, boring.

Whats with all the boxers being shot recently. I mean is there a serious need to rid the world of old boxers? Argiou, Forreset, and Gatti. Its just mean. You want to kill a boxer do it in the ring and charge people money for it that is the American Dream not in cold blood over their car or because you dont love him any more.

The dog days of summer are coming!!! This means only one thing, FOOTBALL camps open very very soon. Yes bring on the pads!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

22 July 09

As I look around I see no Red Sux fans anywhere, what happened folks, where did you all go? I mean its just a little losing streak, it happens all the time. Be careful though the Rays are gaining! As we head into the dog days of summer one thought has come to my attention, since the return of A-fraud the Yankees have the best record in baseball. It just makes me cringe a little, that will only feed his oversized ego I'm sure. Why oh why does it have to be because of him, and dont any of you say its because he is the best player in baseball, he is NOT! That distingtion goes to the fella in St. Louis who to this point we will say is all natural and a machine!! year after year, he just keeps hitting with little to no protection in the line up.

Hey New York, it seems that Torre guy can manage a little!!

Hey Mets time to dismantle, it hasnt work in years so FIRE SALE baby FIRE SALE!!!!

The UFL??? havent we done this already and it failed and failed and failed why oh why do they keep trying it?

Is it me or have the Denver Nuggets done absolutely nothing this offseason to get better. Cleveland, Boston, Orlando, Miami, LA Lakers, LA Clippers, San Antonio all have made improvements but nothing in Denver and for a team that was close that is disappointing!

I think that the Dodgers and Joe Torre beating the Yankees in the World Series would completely finish off George Steinbrenner III once and for all!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

21 July 09

Just when I thought it was safe to be annoyed the Red Sux went and renewed my faith in humanity, by losing three straight and now they find themselves once again in a dead heat with the greatest sports franchise, the Evil Empire, yes the Yankees. Whats not to love about a superior team showing weakness, right at the time that their injuried players are coming back healthy, you just couldnt ask for more. Well you could but it wouldnt be legal.

Poor Tom Watson, had a chance for glory but choked like Greg Norman. Boy golf must really be a tough sport for so many good men coughing it up in the spot light. I guess thats why Tiger has such a big following, he never ever loses with a lead. EVER! Hey Phil take note. Its nice to have the lead going into Friday but its better to have it on Sunday!

Some one, anyone please tell me why Lance Armstrong is racing in the Tour de Bore. Is his ego that big? What is left to prove? Why cant athletes just hang it up before they disgrace themselves?

Look out NFC East, Romo dumped Jessica Simpson, the Cowpokes may actually win something this year. They may win their first playoff game in a bakers dozen of years. No Jessica, No TO it could lights out for cowpoke opponents. Or they may have to find something else to blame for their miserable failures. I would recommend JERRY JONES. Lets be honest that is where all the blame should be placed. Ah a new stadium, new hope, but i bet the same result will occur.

Friday, July 17, 2009

16 July 09 II

No Phil, NO Tiger, a 60 year old and a never heard of, not what the PGA was hoping for as now no one on this side of the pond will be watching the British Open. Ratings will drop drastically. ooopsssss

Thursday, July 16, 2009

16 July 09

The second half of the baseball season begins today and for some teams so does the shopping season. Time to buy or sell. Whos in and whos out, what are the hard truths about your chances. So Seattle buy or sell, what about the Brewers? For the next several weeks it will be exciting to see what teams think they are in or out. Is there a better division in any other sport as good as the AL East in baseball? I think not!

British Open starts today. No Mickelson but we do have a Tom Watson sighting!! You gotta love it when the older sportsment come alive on the big stage.

What could be wrong with a NASCAR Driver doing Meth? Its not like he is drinking and driving during the race, he waits till he has lost first, I mean come people that stuff isnt cheap he needs to earn a living to afford his habit.

With San Fransisco playing so well and needing a bat, does anyone see Bonds coming out of his house to take BP?

Monday, July 13, 2009

13 July 09

Its just confusing to me. You get tied up with the division leader then completely lose focus, how do you do that. The two best hitters on the team are out and your pitching staff gives up more runs to them than they scored in two weeks. Now they are 2 games out and on a three game losing streak heading into the all star break which to me is a BIG BIG waste of time. Still dont understand how you can have all stars in the middle of the season. What if they bomb out in the second half of the season which does happen to a lot of players, ie Josh Hamilton. It is confusing is all. thats all i am saying.

Lance Armstrong good job on the 7 wins now go away. I am tired of hearing about the great lance armstrong, now he wants to race every year, i guess he found a way to beat the PED tests so he figures at his age he can keep going. Once he goes away then we can stop hearing about a bike race across france. Then all we need to do is kill soccer and the dumb sports are gone. just because every country plays soccer we have to have it on tv I THINK NOT!! its the cheapest sport in the world thats the only reason its played everywhere. a ball and open field thats all it takes, and a bunch of crazies willing to chase said ball all over said field. BORING!! 2-0 is a blowout but still BORING!!!

How soon till football season??????????

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

7 July 09

Welcome to the second NBA season called Free-Agent Frenzy. tracking, plotting and none of it matters till October, when they get together and see if any of it works but hey lets waste time talking about it now right???? Hes going here hes going there, so what there are no games for months, it doesnt matter right now STOP wasting my time.

How can Federer be the best of all time when he cant beat Nadal on clay. Its it important to be the best of all time to not have someone or some venue you lose at all the time. Would he even have the last two majors had Nadal not had the injury and lost in France before having to bail out of the all England Club. Seriously, you can not be the best all time with consistant losing. Dont get me wrong very nice guy, but beat Nadal on clay and we can talk again. Samprass wasnt the best of all time he couldnt win the French. Agassi was considered great because he did win all the majors but he wasnt best ever because he couldnt consistantly beat Samprass.

Now Tiger, that is another story. He is just playing with the others. Its not even close. The only thing that beats Tiger is Tiger. If he could get out of his own head during first rounds of majors he would win them all. If he has a bad first round in a major you can beat him. But if his first round is even close to decent its time to play for second.

Ah the MLB all star boredom feast is nearly upon us, yes yes the World Series is homed in the winners league, so what! The game is a waste of time. Its four days without my team playing and so i am bored waiting for it to end. Baseball heats up in July so why on earth do we slow it down with a week for all starts when in reality some of these so called all stars with end up terrible by the end of the year. Shouldnt an all star be an all star for an entire year first. So the NL west which has been led by the Dodgers all year may actually be interesting to watch with the Giants and Rockies getting better and better. Like to see that, Texas may hold up this year and even challenge the mighty Angels. The Centrals in both league will be a case of who is left after all the fighting and the NL East is just scary bad, the Marlins could win it with guys not old enough to enjoy a champagne bath. But one thing you can always count on in baseball, The Red Sux and Yankees!!! Ah life is back to normal!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

30 June 09

Aniexty Disorder in sports. Yup I think it stems from all these dumb parental ideas of mercy rules, not keeping score, everyone plays, blah blah blah. Sorry parents but you are wrong. They never learn they are not good enough and move on to things they should be doing. The sooner we get your weak child off the football, baseball field the sooner he/she can learn soccer and get out of the way. If you are not good enough then move on. Another thing it should be illegal to scout any student under the age of 17. Enough of these grown men lurking around schools looking for basketball players etc... for AAU stuff. Trying to get their meat hooks in them. Furthermore, STOP STOP STOP coddling these kids that are good at certain sports, make them go to class get a real education and stop filling their heads so they stop thinking they are Gods gift to the world, every kid is so get over yourselves. Another thing from now on college should be a mandatory 3 year commitment. That way when you are a bust in your sport you only have one year left to earn that degree and can be a productive member of society instead of a useless one talking about the glory days. No one wants to hear about how great you were!!!! NO ONE!!! not even your mom.

Monday, June 29, 2009

29 Jun 09

Ever wonder why losing teams stay losing teams? Its simple really, 1. Money, they dont have any. 2. They have bad business personnel making bad decisions. 3. They want to factor in only numbers and the flow of the game. If you are the Cubs and need a bat to get over the hump, you dont get the volital crazy guy (M Bradley) just because he can hit, he is a HUGE distraction in the clubhouse. You dont draft three Point Guards in the draft and expect them to all want to stay and play together. You dont draft two power forwards when you already have three on the roster, that you cant move because of contracts already in place. You certainly dont want to pick up a player with a potiential drug habit period but especially if you have recovering drug habit personnel on the team. Its hard to get good free agents, when you arent paying well and have nothing in the area to inspire your players during off hours. You should have a better idea of what your players are doing to keep them from getting distracted easily due to local entertainment.

So Cris Carter says steriods is like a receiver using stickum on his gloves, interesting observation. No it doesnt help you to catch a ball or hit a ball or even see a ball better, but it does make it easier to do it over and over again without pain. Pain is a very important factor in human lives, bad decisions can be made when underess of pain. Like taking steriods to heal faster. Its hard to sign big contracts when you are hurt. How many atheletes have career years when its time to sign a new contract, is this really hard to notice, I am talking to you stupid owners out there that sign a guy after he had one great year and act surprised when he doesnt do it again.

Sports are pretty simple, get some players together that want to win (yes that isnt the case for a lot of them, they just want to see the money) give them the time to learn one another and play together and give them the necessary leadership and away they go to win win win.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

24 June 09

So there I say last night at Nationals Park in Washington DC watching the Nationals take on the Red Sox with about 30,000 Red Sox fans wondering what happens when the Nationals play a bad team. It was a night of record attendance of 41,517 fans. The owners had to be thanking Bud Selig for Interleague play, if that is their highest attendance. Luckily they have two more games in the series and a lot of the Red Sox fans were talking about going to the rest of the games. And of course the Red Sox sent their traveling fans home happy with a thrashing of the Nats 11-3. The Nats kept it close for awhile, before relenting to the pressure of the hit machine that is the Sox. They just never stop. Ramirez gone, Big Papi not hitting and still they are crushing baseballs, its impressive and would be even more so if i werent a Yankees fans watching my team just wallow in patheticness. 0 runs scored against the Braves. Just awful.

Why would you let Phil Jackson coach away games from Home??????

Thursday, June 18, 2009

18 June 09

If not for Amy the only thing we would be talking about this weekend is Tiger Woods, but now with Phil trying to win one for his wife, we have an over abundance of that story. The only problem is the rest of the field might like that feel good story and conceed to him but Tiger wont. which is what makes Tiger great. He only cares about winning when he is playing, he leaves feelings at the door. Too bad other athletes dont take a page from this book. Instead, you have millionaire crybabies.

Could someone out there just hit Favre hard enough on the field that he stops all this madness. I mean seriously, no one cares anymore and you have proven yourself to be sooo narcisistic that you wont be beloved anylonger, unless of course you win a Super Bowl for Minnesota and in that scenario (which is totally unlikely) a Packers fan will be sure to shoot you, as a trader!!!

Is it me or do Mike & Mike have the best job in the world, or maybe Colin Cowherd does? Just the best jobs ever.

Monday, June 15, 2009

15 June 09

Is there any chance at all that now the Kobe has his Shaq free championship and Phil has his tenth, that they will both retire and ride off into the sunset together? I mean one can dream right?

Kobe's place in history, frankly dont care. Phil has ten as coach, it is impressive and he deserves credit. Yes he had great players but great players dont always win, just ask Dan Marino, Charles Barkley, etc... Different teams and different times. It is an achievement to be proud of, Red built his teams and didnt have to worry about large player change over. he also had less teams to play and less rounds to get to the championship and less chances to falter. He had teams of all stars. Yes Phil had Michael, but simply being the best doesnt guarantee a championship does it Lebron?

Pens win the Cup, Pens with the Cup, now Pittsburgh is the reigning champion in two sports, how great for them. Remember when Boston used to do that, not so much anymore or in the near future.

Does anyone notice when a team under .500 wins 11 in a row and is still under .500?

Friday, June 12, 2009

12 June 09

Its official I am sick to my stomach 0-8. Just sick and oh by the way Big Papi has hit three home runs. yuck yuck yuck. As a true fan i would rather win all games against the Red Sox and lose the World Series than the other way around. Its just disgusting and Joe better be careful cause losing to the Sox all season will get you fired even if you win the World Series, thats what makes a rivalry. So Joe get the boys going and fast, if you lose three straight to the Mets this weekend you will be out on your ears. Big mistake, you cant lose to your rivals this badly, we have already lost 2 of 3 to the Mets and are being swept by Boston, losing three more this weekend and baseball is done for the season, atleast for the Yankees and with the other "Joe" raking in the best record in baseball without his biggest star, its just going to get uglier and uglier.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

11 June 09

34-18 vs the League and 0-7 vs the damn Sox. that is just ridiculus and oh yeah lets help Ortix heat up by giving up some gopher balls to hit out. He hits like crap against the rest of the league and against the yankees its business as usual. The Yankees will have to learn to score runs without the long ball as that seems to be their offense right now and it doesnt work outside the new stadium. They have a false sense of security when it comes to hitting on the road. If they had won even three games against the sox this year they would have a six game lead already. Shame shame shame.

Hey the one and done rule is stupid how long is that going to be in affect? Im sick of young punks that get an opportunity the rest of America would kill for and waste it because they all want to be "millionaire NBA crybabies" and apparently Lebron is going to be there crybaby spokes person. Seriously, how can Magic and Bird and Jordan take this NBA of todays game and not be outraged? All these kids are in it for the money and their little entourages to see who has the most. It is embarassing and i wont watch. Terrible. Sports has gotten away from what makes it great, and we the fans are the ones to blame. College BBall is being affected now too and thats what really kills me. Its not about the game its about money money money. There used to be players that played for the love of the game, now its me me me all the time and you sportwriters make it worse by highlighting ever stupid thing people like TO do and just give him more reason to do it and get coverage. FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME STOP PAMPERING THESE ATHELETES. MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE AND STOP TELLING THEM FROM THE TIME THEY START DRIBBLING THEY WILL BE A SUPERSTAR AND FORGET EVERYTHING ELSE. Im sick to my stomach.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

9 June 09

Manny really helped Ortiz. And Yes Bay is doing very well, but if Ortiz was hitting his weight, literally and figuratively, the Red Sox would have a big lead in the AL East.

Fans pay to see home runs so why is it such a big deal that the new Yankee Stadium is producing them? BOth teams can hit them, is there a rule in MLB that limits the amount of HRs you can hit in a season or are sports writers that bored that they cant find anything else to talk about? BOO Randy Johnson, a really bad bad guy. BOO the Braves treating Glavine like that after the fiasco with Smoltz, they learned nothing but protect their pockets.

Why do they still insist on using illuminium bats in College, do they really think its better for the game? More runs means more money, what is it. It gives players a false sense of their abilities. So what you hit .456 in college can you even hit .200 in the pros, no no no, get rid of the bats.

Monday, June 8, 2009

8 June 09

Tiger does it again. Roger completes the cycle. Arguealby the two most dominant men in their respective sports and very similar, they both have 14 championships and have won all four majors for the cycle. They are both never considered out of contention. They use the same razor, what else can you say. Brilliant!

BOOOO Kobe, still will never be on board with Kobe being considered great. He has never beat a superior team and never will. Michael beat better teams, Magic beat better Bird teams and vice versa. Chamberlin even beat a better team. Russell well there were no better teams. The heck with the NBA finals bring on the WNBA!!

Another boring Stanley Cup, what happen to the days of declaring a team winner with a goal that should not have counted. Yes bring on the Dallas Stars!! Syd the Kid will wait another year and for the life of me can anyone explain why the only thing they do in Detriot is play hockey?? Maybe they should try Hockey players in Detriot out on the football field they cant do any worse than the actual lions players.

Roy Halladay, what can you say, just a steady go about your business guy that completes his missions. Year in and year out just a consistant pitcher in one of the less known teams that pitches great. 10-1. with several complete games already. If he was playing in a bigger market, they would build him monuments. And he even hates the Yankees and would never pitch for them. Wont sell out, that is admirable!!!

So let me ask you, when he is all done, what do you think of the idea of Manny Ramirez as a hitting instructor?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

3 June 09

Stat of the Day: Derek Jeter 2603 hits, 1500 runs, 200 HRs, & 1000 RBIs
Not bad for 14 years on the job.

Hey has anyone seen the Blue Jays in awhile, couple of weeks ago they were in first place but i cant seem to find them. Maybe the Angels should have paid Texiera, it seems to be working for the Yankees. Randy Johnson goes for 300 and who cares. I have never liked this guy and his stint in New York was horrible. Will any other pitcers ever reach 300 wins? Speaking of milestones, how long until Jeter gets hit 3000? Health maintained of course. Hall of Famer, YES I THINK SO! ok off the Jeter wagon for awhile.

Anyone think of a reason why Jack Del Rio slammed his own player over OTA practice? It was a great thing to hear from a coach but it seems to be three months premature to me.

I love women's sports, but for the life of me cant figure out why female softball players wear bows in their hair during games.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

By The Way

Didnt you use to be David Ortiz? So how good are steroids?

2 Jun 09

So no Kobe vs Lebron, Lebron is a crybaby, whatever NBA is MILLIONAIRE CRYBABIES!! That is all they are good for, they whine and cry and want their money, cash their checks. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Then there is hockey that no one watches and its actually compelling. They actually fight and play hard. So sad.

But hey who doesnt love the WCWS. Those girls are fun to watch! Florida St. 37 Ohio St 6 when did football season start? isnt there a mercy rule in college baseball?

So the Yankees are back on top! All is now right in the world.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

26 May 09

Is it me or has the hockey playoffs dissappeared altogher, i dont even see highlights anymore. the NBA is not hoping for a Finals of Nuggets vs. Magic but it is very likely. Boy wouldnt that be great Nuggets Magic and no Kobe or Lebron, then we can start hearing about how great the two are until next season. I am sick to death of Kobe and bored out of my mind with Lebron "King" James. boo hoo so what, i would rather see them out of the Finals. Then what would all the sports writers say? Maybe they will say they were cheated like the Suns a few years ago, with the bad officiating. Anyway, Syracuse won its 11th Lacrosse Championship on Memorial Day its becoming a regular thing to watch them play for a championship every Memorial Day. They are 11-5 in the big game. not bad really. The Yankees have turned around the season with the return of A-Fraud. The Dodgers are still winning with Manny so who will be recieved better throughout the season? The Cubs have fallen on hard times and the Padres have had quite the couple of weeks, now the actually think they are in it, boys itss way too early for that kind of talk, just ask Toronto. My how quickly they fall!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

21 May 09

Orlando shocks the Basketball world by upsetting Cleveland at home, its the first loss in the playoffs for the Cavs. Apparently, the Lebrons can be beat. hey heres a thought any takes on Magic vs Nuggets in the Finals, would anyone outside those two cities even watch that series? Any way i am still routing for Nuggets vs Cavs. Melo vs Lebron. Bench vs bench. Role players vs Role Players. could it be any better than that.
Big Papi got off the snide, how nice for him.
It was brought to my attention that the greatest golfer in the world was going to be out indefinitely due to family illness, breast cancer to his wife, so i asked when did Elin get breast cancer didnt she just give birth to their second child? But alas i was mislead, Tiger is still playing. Now dont get me wrong, I am no Tiger fan, but lets face it people last year golf ratings plummeted when he was out that will not happen to the PGA minus Phil Mickleson. He may be a great golfer and good guy but he is no ratings cow. As long as Tiger is golfing people will watch and that is all the PGA cares about!! by the way, didnt Tiger's dad die and he kept playing, didnt he have a torn ACL and keep playing, didnt his wife have two kids and he kept playing, so level commitment Tiger 14 Majors, Phil 3. Im just saying!!!!
Speaking of boring the NHL resumes tonight Pens vs Hurricanes.
You know going to the Clippers first overall would really really suck, you know you will never compete with the Lakers but luckily all those zeros in Griffins contract will help him sleep very comfortably at night, that is until Obama gets his share of the contract. Players may want to start thinking about differing money until the is a Republican President so they can keep some of their earnings.

21 May 09

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

20 May 09

I am sick of hearing about Michael Vick! if was lousy we wouldnt even be talking about him, but after the Dolphin experiment with the wildcat offsense people may want Vick. Its all our fault too, as fans we want our teams to win at any cost, to include bringing in convicts. Ray Lewis is another fine example, instead of being in jail he won a super bowl. It is just ridiculous. This is why I say Jeter is still the best athelete going. You dont hear about him or his personal life, he is respectful of his coaches and teamates and is well grounded.
So Blake your reward for coming out early is a trip to LA and an opportunity to play for a perrenial loser in the Clippers, good luck with that. Hey three years from now maybe you can go to another team via free agency. Wouldnt Lebron James look good in a Knicks uniform with Wade right next to him in the same uni. Dare to dream.
Does A-Rod hit anything but Home Runs or what? Are they checking him for steroids or a possibly brain damage. Pitching is horrible this year, all this specialization in pitching staffs not really working out. Bullpens are terrible, closers are blowing saves and the complete outside of Roy Halladay is none existant, where have all the pitchers gone?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

19 May 09

The hell with Kobe vs Lebron, i know it sounds nice but seriously, Kobe is OVERRATED. I want Lebron vs Melo!! yes the two picks from 2003 NBA Draft. Listen, when the Lakers lose AGAIN, will you all get off Kobe's jock and see him for what he is and that is a BIG PUNK. he never has and never will be anything more. hasnt won anything without Shaq and wont. Bynum and Gasol together arent Shaq!

Man the Pens score a lot of goals dont they! Still dont want a repeat of last years Stanley Cup finals thought. Hate Hockeytown. Go home Redwings.

Too bad that the Yankees can play every game against the Twins in New York, it would definitely improve the win total. Where have you gone Joltin Joe??? When baseball was just spitballs!

Monday, May 18, 2009

18 May 09

Well the weekend was good for the Yankees in "Walk off" fashion. Three games against the Twins ended in three walk off hits and wins for the Yankees. Cabrera, Rodriquez and Damon all come through with big clutch hits to win games and they still have another game against the Twins tonight. Minnesota is 3-22 in Yankee Stadium since 2002, so apparently the "Ghosts of Yankee Stadium come accros the road for this series we shall see how long they stay.

It wasnt a good weekend for Boston sports the Bruins and Celtics got knock out of their respective sports playoffs, the Red Sox actually benched Big Papi. Kobe and the Lakers survived against the Rockets and now face off against a Nuggets team that has been flying through the playoffs.

THe Final four of NCAA Division 1 Lacrosse has the top teams left in Virginia #1, Syracuse #2, Duke #3 and COrnell #5, so next weekends Final Four should be full of good matches!!Syracuse is the defending champion and looks to keep adding to its championships going after number 11.

There has even been a Mets sighting in baseball over the last week. They have moved into first place with a banged up lineup but are playing good ball. The Tampa Bay Rays commited a lineup error and had to bat a pitcher because of it and their best player wasnt entered in the line up. And who says those lineup cards arent important.

A philly won the preakness and Nadal lost on clay so miracles will never cease!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

15 May 09

What a great night for Boston sports, Celtics LOSE, Bruins LOSE (game 7), Red Sox LOSE (Big Papi 0-7 3 Ks, left 12 men on base). it just couldnt get any better than this!!! Can the Celtics win game 7, its up for grabs at this point, of course this would all be academic if KG were playing, but alas he is not. so good luck on that one. By the way the Yankees two key stars return to the line up last night and propel the team to victory.

It is also nice to see the Lakers not only lose but get crushed along the way. 36 points in the first half, did a Jordan team ever do that inthe playoffs, he usually had that by himself!!! Wouldnt it be nice to see the Lakers lose the series, well maybe not for David Stern but who likes him anyway. Although, i will say of all the Commissioners he is the best, sad but true. Goodell is a waffler, bettmen is a space cadet, and lets face Bud Selig is a joke!!!! Two of your biggest stars are humiliating you. By the way speaking of baseball, is Big Papis struggles due to a lack of being able to use steroids? He declined last year when the steroids news broke and hasnt been the same and is actually getting worse, I am just saying someone should look into it.

SO the DUKE kid is going to play football at Syracuse. So what kind of statement is this, he hasnt played football in four years and will probably start, is that a testament to how good he is or how badly that program has fallen? i think how badly that program has fallen. Greg Robinson, really, he was a terrible defensive coordiantor and a worse head coach.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

14 May 09

Well hockey season is officially over. The Pens beat the Caps in what i am sure is going to be the best series of the year. oh sure they still have two more rounds of playoffs left but who cares. the two best players in the league just went head to head and the Pens won it with SYD THE KID stealing the show. Now all that is left is who survives without boring us to tears.

that is where the NBA is lucky whether its Lebron vs Kobe or even Melo, it will be entertaining to the end. Personally you should all stop calling Kobe a superstar, he is a punk and always will be and will never win a championship on his own. NEVER!!! Not his fault though i blame the sports writers, they built him up to be the next Jordan and well that he is NOT! Now Lebron may be able to hold that title but time will tell, that he is his own superstar and will be in the NBA finals again for the second time in only his sixth season with little to no cast support. Thats His Airness right there, Jordan had Pippen, Lebron has who?????

I have decided that if the Yankees win their 27th this year i will stop saying A-Rod SUCKS.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

12 May 09

Boy the NHL must really be kicking itself that Washington and Pittsburgh are meeting in the semifinals, this series has lived up to the hype and is fantastic but going to end without declaring a champion of anything. Well atleast the Mavs can say they werent swept but they will lose the next game. Cleveland may not lose until the Finals, and it wont be many times thats for sure. Boston or Orlando doesnt really matter; where it gets interesting is not Kobe but if Lebron and company play Melo and company, it will be Magic and Bird all over again. This series would truly be the two and their support, Magic had Kareem, Worthy et al; and Bird had Parrish, Mchale, DJ et al. Lebron and Melo dont have casts like that! Do they even know what Lacrosse is outside of the north east? four teams from ACC are in the elite eight of NCAA Lacrosse, so apparently they do do other things besides basketball.

As i get older and the physical gifts go away, the one sport i can still play is eating for size and coma. in that spirit i say we need more prime time iron chef/american iron chef events to watch and taste test. the heck with the millionaire cry babes, lets race to get great food out to eaters!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

10 May 09

With all the excitement about Manny and the fertility drugs that he needed has anyone in Boston noticed that the mighty Bruins and Celtics are in serious trouble. I suspect that there is just so much jubile that they dont even care up in New England.
Is anyone out there in NBA land even hoping for anything but Kobe vs Lebron? Personally, I love watching the Lakers and Kobe lose it cant happen enough for my taste. He still hasnt won anything without Shaq and until he does, hes just a punk!!!
By the Way for those that are interested NHL is in playoffs too! Unfortunately for the NHL Ovechin and Sid the Kid are playing each other in the semifinal round, too bad the best two players are meeting so early, ratings will take a hit when that series is done!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

9 May 09

And with one swing of the bat A-Fraud worms his way back into peoples hearts. what a shame we are as sports fans. we keep paying higher ticket prices allowing owners to make more pay more to these millionaire cry babies and its all our fault. we have no one to blame but ourselves. In 50 days Ramirez will do the same thing in LA and all will be forgiven even for a guy who has proved over time he is nothing more than a punk, a selfish punk at that. We need to send a better messge to athletes than this. pretty soon Michael "dogman" Vick will be back in the NFL, and why (after spending 18 mos in jail) because he can run fast and sell tickets to the games, sports arent sports anymore, its big big big business. What happened to the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat? the old days players played for the love of the game!!! forget about the steroid era, thank Michael Jordan for the era of BIG MONEY!!!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

7 May 09

IS this just "Manny being Manny" or can we finally say this guy can hit but is a complete moron!!! Thank Goodness for Manny, He makes A-Rod seem boring. Well win four lose four, so this proves money doesnt buy happiness as $200 million doesnt buy any wins thats for sure. Is it me or are the NBA playoffs boring outside of Boston. They arent going to win it all again but atleast the games are interesting. Cleveland and LA just look tooo good. Hockey looks good in HD and like crap in everything else. PS when is it going to stop raining in NEw York? Its like Seattle here but atleast they have enough sense when building a new stadium to put in a retractable roof!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

5 May 09

The new Yankee Stadium was all it was cracked up to be. Absolutely beautiful but for 1.5 billion it should be. Just awesome and what could be better in the new stadium than playing the red sox. Now yes they lost but it was a great game. I met a couple of kids from Holland that were visiting the US, they had seen a Yankee - redsox game in boston then were intown last night to see the game in new york. man what a charmed life. wish i could follow the yankees.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

3 May 09

SO the Celtics won the greatest series of all time as the writers have written. blah blah blah. its competition thats what it is supposed to be, after all it is a game. Its what games were before big over priced salaries took over sports. Millionaires playing kids games and crying about how they are unfairly treated.

Tiger Woods is human

Tomorrow night i shall witness the renewal of a rivalry unparralled in sports, in the sports newest Grand Collisuem, the New Yankee Stadium. Two tickets to see the Yankees vs. Red Sox and to play fair i am bringing one of my best friends and also a Red Sox fan as we battle it out in the stands as the teams battle it out on the field. Not only will it be a great game to watch but i will enjoy it with a friend and fan of the game that is equal to me interest. What could be better than that.

Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day 09

sports writers get sooo bored they most label everything to keep themselves interested. Why is that? if you dont like covering sports get another job. The Celtics-Bulls series is good but why do they have to call it the greatest of all time already and its not even over yet? Why do things have to be the greatest of all time? How about it is just a great series with two teams pushing themselves and their opponents to the edge of competition. It is great to see millionaires that actually play hard and want to win. Must cash it in mid season and just start spending the money on off season plans.