Monday, November 9, 2009

9 November 09

My time is up I cant avoid it any longer, so i will issue my statement. Today i must eat crow. I said that NO TEAM with Alex Rodriquez on it would ever win a Championship. I am wrong. He proved to be a ehh winner. He played best when his team needed him. He really carried them at a couple of points this playoff season. He is a good player. Sorry but that is the best I can do. He is A-Rod, no more call him the other thing, which i liked a little, to be honest. But give him his do, he put all himself behind him played ball and is a champion. He did have help though, IM just saying. now i will get it together and move on.

What kind of weird football universe are we on? The Giants have now lost 4 straight and are inventing new ways to lose. The Cowgirls look actually good. Hey Colin Cowherd whats up with that Lock pick of Philly over Dallas. Thanks for nothing. A rookie QB in Tampa put up more points by himself than the Redskins have all year. My pick for the Super Bowl at midseason looks horrible; Baltimore vs. Philly. Yuck yuck yuck. Has New Orleans scored less than 30 points at any time this year? Are the Colts getting lucky? Vince Young is 2-0. with 8 to go.

Iowa blew it. I knew they would but i was hoping. Now the best we can do it 6 undefeated teams but of course someone has to lose SEC Champ. Bummer. Isnt Standford a volleyball school? Hey Oregon good ahh effort??? 52 points?? wow. Does anyone outside of the SEC play defense in this country? Well, one good thing happened this weekend, Notre Dame LOST to Navy. Its always a good weekend when they lose!!!

The NHL is in trouble if its best stars keep getting hurt. That guy in DC cant decide if he is out for a month or maybe a couple of games and they cant win without him. So how many days till the outside game again, that is about all i like of the regular season.

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