Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2 December 09

Hey didnt they use to play basketball in New Jersey?

So the top three teams have stayed the top three teams all year, Florida, Alabama, and Texas, boring. Does anyone remember the year everyone just keep losing when they got to the top, it was only 2007. Boy the good old days. TCU will get no shot at title. Cincinnati should lose against Pitt so atleast they will know why they will get no shot at the title. Boise State well atleast they have that cool blue turf cause thats all they get. But what can i expect you all are the same people that keep picking from Republicans and Democrats no matter how bad they are, this country use to be about how was best for the job. Now its about picking the lesser of two evils. What a shame!

Favre just wont go away. cant any defense fix this problem. one good hit and hes done that all defensive coordinators, he doesnt like getting hit, send the kitchen sink after him in the first half and knock him and Minnesota out! Drew Brees, Peyton Manning, Favre, Chris Johnson all very nice MVP candidates sure, but what which one is the one you want with the ball when it matters? Goodbye Broncos, Giants, Falcons its been nice seeing you. Hello Titans, Eagles and Bengals. Where did you go Ravens, come back, I had you going all the way! Has anyone seen Joe Flacco cir. 2008?

How is MLB making so much money and teams are losing money?

Derek Jeter SI Sportsman of the Year. Normally, I would love this but really who were the other choices, most of these bums er, professional athletes are drunk, drugged, overpaid, wife beaters, strip club frequenters, really where are the men that use to play sport.

For all those that believe money buys happiness just ask Elin Woods. Her husband is loaded and bored apparently. WHo hasnt had a wife chase them out into the night with a weapon upon finding out there is some infidelity. so what people move on. She will get more than half, they have two kids.

The one and done rule in NCAA basketball is stupid stupid stupid. All this great young talent will be long gone before it even develops. Its too bad too because follow on years could be real exciting with the talent in college this year. One year is not enough time to Gell. Everyone wants money, doesnt anyone actually want a championship? Isnt that why we play the game? to be the best, the Champs? Why does everyone want money? A lot of the pro athletes end up broke anyway, cant manage their own finances.

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