Thursday, May 14, 2009

14 May 09

Well hockey season is officially over. The Pens beat the Caps in what i am sure is going to be the best series of the year. oh sure they still have two more rounds of playoffs left but who cares. the two best players in the league just went head to head and the Pens won it with SYD THE KID stealing the show. Now all that is left is who survives without boring us to tears.

that is where the NBA is lucky whether its Lebron vs Kobe or even Melo, it will be entertaining to the end. Personally you should all stop calling Kobe a superstar, he is a punk and always will be and will never win a championship on his own. NEVER!!! Not his fault though i blame the sports writers, they built him up to be the next Jordan and well that he is NOT! Now Lebron may be able to hold that title but time will tell, that he is his own superstar and will be in the NBA finals again for the second time in only his sixth season with little to no cast support. Thats His Airness right there, Jordan had Pippen, Lebron has who?????

I have decided that if the Yankees win their 27th this year i will stop saying A-Rod SUCKS.


  1. Wow, you really have lost any resemblance of your New England roots. Hockey season is over?? You have forgotten what a good old working, hard hitting, methodical hockey team looks like. I agree the Pens/Caps serious was high octane, juiced, albeit entertaining hockey, but come one....The bruins are 0 - 22 in thier illustrious history when trailing 3 games to 1 and here we are game 7 at the garden tonight...Hockey officially over..pfft.. Do yourself a favor and watch the game tonight and see if the 20,000 fans and the tens of thousands that crowd the city bars think of hockey season being over. You obviously not only started drinking the Kook-aid when you began working in the D.C. region, but you drank the whole keg...ok on to Basketball; It's not fair to compare anyone to Michael Jordan. To use a golf analogy, everyone since Jordan will always be just a Phil Mickelson. Great, but not the once in a generation talent of a Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretsky etc. But come on, Kobe is a superstar(this is coming from the #1 lakers hater in the world), but i agree he shouldnt be compared to Jordan because we can take MJ and put him on 28 different teams and they become an instant contender. btw GO CELTICS, even though beating the Magic will put us into a situation where we play the Cavs on 9 days rest and with the best player in basketball, I still enjoy seeing them play...and finally your last comment, dont worry about the yankees this year, you will be saying A-Rod Sucks until your Yankee Empire decides to start developing thier minor league teams and stop relying on overpaying, overly juiced Veterans.

  2. You are a typical New England fan, always thinking that its a sport when your teams in it. Had the Bruins already lost you would be saying Hockey season is over and that may well happen tonight. Kobe is way OVERRATED!!! Last year the Hornets come from nowhere to get the second seed in the western conference and CP3 should have won the MVP as a result but no they gave it to Kobe and his team didnt start winning with regularity until they got Gasol in the trade which was a Jerry West present to his former team. You are right about Jordan, Gretzky and Woods, they changed the face of their sports but Lebron will do the same in New York in 2010! The Yankees will stop over paying when a Steinbrenner is no longer managing general partner. When will they learn that pitching is 70% of the game. They should have overspent for Santana last year and not the two they got this year, day late and dollar short.
