Friday, May 15, 2009

15 May 09

What a great night for Boston sports, Celtics LOSE, Bruins LOSE (game 7), Red Sox LOSE (Big Papi 0-7 3 Ks, left 12 men on base). it just couldnt get any better than this!!! Can the Celtics win game 7, its up for grabs at this point, of course this would all be academic if KG were playing, but alas he is not. so good luck on that one. By the way the Yankees two key stars return to the line up last night and propel the team to victory.

It is also nice to see the Lakers not only lose but get crushed along the way. 36 points in the first half, did a Jordan team ever do that inthe playoffs, he usually had that by himself!!! Wouldnt it be nice to see the Lakers lose the series, well maybe not for David Stern but who likes him anyway. Although, i will say of all the Commissioners he is the best, sad but true. Goodell is a waffler, bettmen is a space cadet, and lets face Bud Selig is a joke!!!! Two of your biggest stars are humiliating you. By the way speaking of baseball, is Big Papis struggles due to a lack of being able to use steroids? He declined last year when the steroids news broke and hasnt been the same and is actually getting worse, I am just saying someone should look into it.

SO the DUKE kid is going to play football at Syracuse. So what kind of statement is this, he hasnt played football in four years and will probably start, is that a testament to how good he is or how badly that program has fallen? i think how badly that program has fallen. Greg Robinson, really, he was a terrible defensive coordiantor and a worse head coach.


  1. My daughter asked me why I was yelling at the TV last night. I told that its just what people from New England do when we watch sports. Well everyone in my house now is well aware of the term "CLEAR THE F'N ZONE" as I uttered this phrase several 100 times throughout the for the Celtics, 5 point lead with 3 minutes left..pierce turns the ball over, misses 2 key free throws and finally showed that he might actually be tired of playing this year. Our 32-0 record when leading a series 3-2 is in jeopardy Sunday night. It might be best for that record to fall, as i dont feel like humiliating myself into rooting for a team to win just one game vs. King James. I think the most common line from that series would be "just dont get swept"...Red Sox ugh..Big Poopi is a 7 million dollar shell of himself. I really want to say he wasnt on steroids, but unless your under the age of 10 than lets stop fooling ourselves into believing that all of our favorite pitchers and home run hitters are cheating, lying fools who are trying to figure out how to hit 30 hr's the old fashion way. It will be refreshing to see 40 homeruns as an actual accomplishment again. Baseball has disgraced itself and the biggest tragedy of all is that there are still sympathizers with people that actually believe Clemons, Mcquire, and Bonds. As far as im concerned the last 15 World Series Champions are tainted and didnt happen. Im still waiting for the Red Sox to win thier first clean championship.....but maybe im alone on that one.

  2. Hey it is sad. I really believe that the only interesting series left would be Nuggets-Cavs. Kobe is totally boring and if they cant beat a Yao-MCgrady-Mutumbo less Rockets team what in the world are they going to do against the King. The best hockey is over. Baseball is tainted, so that just leaves us one true sport left and that my friend is lacrosse and this weekend the elite eight start out to get to the championship in Mass. 4 ACC teams against the likes of the Ivy league, Johns Hopkins and the greatest lacrosse school of all time (based on 10 championships) Syracuse! So go to and begin to watch a sport where the players are well disciplined and score often
