Tuesday, December 29, 2009

29 December 09

Its the time of year when football teams are gearing up for the playoffs and the choking begins. Yeah yeah Indy wants to prepare for the Super Bowl by losing. Saints are lost, Vikings are tired and the AFC Wild Card includes everyone with a pulse. Yippie, no strong teams. Oops Im sorry Team Chargers you guys are actually playing hard and winning big. I guess your plan of going all out is the key. Well atleast we have one team that has its nose to the grind, now of course next weekend they wont play have their people and will still beat the Dedskins. So its wrong for one of your coaches to interview for your job, while you are still in it? Or did all of you miss the bigger picture in the fact they found the first African American close to home and did a fake interview so they could go ahead in hire Mike Shanahan and please the NFL by faking the interview for the Rooney Rule? Yeah more of the later I would say.

Hey Urban Meyer you are NOT on the Hot Seat so why are you stressing out? It could be worse, you could be Mike Leach, Charlie Weis, or even Bob "better not lose another bowl game" Stoops, or for that matter, Jim "I cant win the big one again" Tressel. Life is good its warm in Florida and you always have excellent recruiting classes so seriously why the long face?

How is Kansas ranked #1 in CBB? Texas and Kentucky have played better competition and won all of them. Kansas is #1 on name alone. They havent impressed yet. Even Syracuse has played better than Kansas. Who in the world has Purdue beat that gives them such a lofty perch? Why is North Carolina in the Top Ten with 3 losses? Who exactly have they not lost to, that keeps them up so high. Yes they may be good but not Top Ten good right now.

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