Friday, June 12, 2009

12 June 09

Its official I am sick to my stomach 0-8. Just sick and oh by the way Big Papi has hit three home runs. yuck yuck yuck. As a true fan i would rather win all games against the Red Sox and lose the World Series than the other way around. Its just disgusting and Joe better be careful cause losing to the Sox all season will get you fired even if you win the World Series, thats what makes a rivalry. So Joe get the boys going and fast, if you lose three straight to the Mets this weekend you will be out on your ears. Big mistake, you cant lose to your rivals this badly, we have already lost 2 of 3 to the Mets and are being swept by Boston, losing three more this weekend and baseball is done for the season, atleast for the Yankees and with the other "Joe" raking in the best record in baseball without his biggest star, its just going to get uglier and uglier.

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