Tuesday, June 9, 2009

9 June 09

Manny really helped Ortiz. And Yes Bay is doing very well, but if Ortiz was hitting his weight, literally and figuratively, the Red Sox would have a big lead in the AL East.

Fans pay to see home runs so why is it such a big deal that the new Yankee Stadium is producing them? BOth teams can hit them, is there a rule in MLB that limits the amount of HRs you can hit in a season or are sports writers that bored that they cant find anything else to talk about? BOO Randy Johnson, a really bad bad guy. BOO the Braves treating Glavine like that after the fiasco with Smoltz, they learned nothing but protect their pockets.

Why do they still insist on using illuminium bats in College, do they really think its better for the game? More runs means more money, what is it. It gives players a false sense of their abilities. So what you hit .456 in college can you even hit .200 in the pros, no no no, get rid of the bats.

1 comment:

  1. So, how does the hottest team in baseball come into Fenway Park with thier best pitcher on 7 days rest and lay a goose egg????
