Thursday, May 21, 2009

21 May 09

Orlando shocks the Basketball world by upsetting Cleveland at home, its the first loss in the playoffs for the Cavs. Apparently, the Lebrons can be beat. hey heres a thought any takes on Magic vs Nuggets in the Finals, would anyone outside those two cities even watch that series? Any way i am still routing for Nuggets vs Cavs. Melo vs Lebron. Bench vs bench. Role players vs Role Players. could it be any better than that.
Big Papi got off the snide, how nice for him.
It was brought to my attention that the greatest golfer in the world was going to be out indefinitely due to family illness, breast cancer to his wife, so i asked when did Elin get breast cancer didnt she just give birth to their second child? But alas i was mislead, Tiger is still playing. Now dont get me wrong, I am no Tiger fan, but lets face it people last year golf ratings plummeted when he was out that will not happen to the PGA minus Phil Mickleson. He may be a great golfer and good guy but he is no ratings cow. As long as Tiger is golfing people will watch and that is all the PGA cares about!! by the way, didnt Tiger's dad die and he kept playing, didnt he have a torn ACL and keep playing, didnt his wife have two kids and he kept playing, so level commitment Tiger 14 Majors, Phil 3. Im just saying!!!!
Speaking of boring the NHL resumes tonight Pens vs Hurricanes.
You know going to the Clippers first overall would really really suck, you know you will never compete with the Lakers but luckily all those zeros in Griffins contract will help him sleep very comfortably at night, that is until Obama gets his share of the contract. Players may want to start thinking about differing money until the is a Republican President so they can keep some of their earnings.

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