Friday, December 11, 2009

11 December 09

Has anyone seen the Pittsburgh Steelers, they seem to have gone missing. Seriously, how do you lose to the Cleveland Browns when you are in a playoff hunt? How do you play that poorly. Troy Palamalu cant be that great that without him you go from Super Bowl Champ to super Chump. For all you Big Ben fans its ok, he isnt that great, its time to understand that now. Hey cant beat you, he is no Manning or Brady.

Syracuse beat Florida last night by 12 and now have basically taken apart three top 25 teams in this short season already. They have won each game this year by double digits, so where is the love? Everyone was quick to denonunce them when they lost an EXHIBITION game, now that they are killing teams where is the same press for praise? by the way, Kentucky has won some big games recently, UNC and UCONN but by 2 and 3 points respectively, SU beat UNC by 18 and Florida by 12 and CAL by 25, so lets all get on the right bandwagon. We also start a freshman so shut up!!! Can you say more complete team!!!

So if Tim D (ex NBA ref) is correct who do i pay to help officials bring in a few more wins for the Knicks. If thats all it takes, who do i talk to? Clearly, the NBA has issues and should start fixing them instead of counting dollars. What a joke this league is!!!

Concussions are all of a sudden very important in the NFL, wow the NFL has lost several great QBs to this injury over the years but now its really important to look at??? Come on people, Roger Stauback, Steve Young, Troy Aikman, just to name a few, where was this concern years ago, oh wait years ago it didnt cost the league this much money to have stars not on the field, maybe you should stop overhyping players and start hyping TEAMS. Individual stars dont win on their own, the TEAM wins.

Brian Kelly has done a great job at Cincinnati, no doubt, but why does that make him the best fit for Notre Dame? I am not a Notre Dame fan by any stretch, I loved it when Holtz left, the fell off the map, but Kelly is the best you could do with the resources you have? That is shameful and ND fans should revolt. He isnt a recruiter and the players that will be eligeable at ND (academically) will not win in his program. They will still lose games 33-30. Shame Shame Shame.

These winter meetings in MLB have proven one thing for me, the Yankees are the only team that ever want to win NOW. Look at all the balking for players and salaries with teams saying we have to look to the future. Well keep looking and you will still be losing. You can never take away a championship, so why not just go for it! Why try to play the we are building a team for the future game, when you are close now and can do it now!!! See Dodgers, Angels, Phillies, Mets, these teams can pay but dont want to. Mariners are going for it but have no shot, its cold and rains there all the time who wants to play there. Cardinals know beyond a shadow of doubt without Holliday, they wont keep Puljos so there goes that franchise, just pick up the tab and go compete for a title. Speaking of dumb, why would anyone want Milton Bradley, can you say cancerous?

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