Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day 09

sports writers get sooo bored they most label everything to keep themselves interested. Why is that? if you dont like covering sports get another job. The Celtics-Bulls series is good but why do they have to call it the greatest of all time already and its not even over yet? Why do things have to be the greatest of all time? How about it is just a great series with two teams pushing themselves and their opponents to the edge of competition. It is great to see millionaires that actually play hard and want to win. Must cash it in mid season and just start spending the money on off season plans.


  1. How long are you going to throw up this smoke screen while totally avoiding the real sports stories of the day???.....How the Yankees have destroyed a century old dynasty in 5 years?? We can write thier history as clear as the fall of the Roman Empire. I believe thier last win of any significance was the fault of a southern manager that couldnt handle the pressure of Northeast sports.

  2. What in the world are you talking about?
