Wednesday, June 3, 2009

3 June 09

Stat of the Day: Derek Jeter 2603 hits, 1500 runs, 200 HRs, & 1000 RBIs
Not bad for 14 years on the job.

Hey has anyone seen the Blue Jays in awhile, couple of weeks ago they were in first place but i cant seem to find them. Maybe the Angels should have paid Texiera, it seems to be working for the Yankees. Randy Johnson goes for 300 and who cares. I have never liked this guy and his stint in New York was horrible. Will any other pitcers ever reach 300 wins? Speaking of milestones, how long until Jeter gets hit 3000? Health maintained of course. Hall of Famer, YES I THINK SO! ok off the Jeter wagon for awhile.

Anyone think of a reason why Jack Del Rio slammed his own player over OTA practice? It was a great thing to hear from a coach but it seems to be three months premature to me.

I love women's sports, but for the life of me cant figure out why female softball players wear bows in their hair during games.

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