Saturday, May 9, 2009

9 May 09

And with one swing of the bat A-Fraud worms his way back into peoples hearts. what a shame we are as sports fans. we keep paying higher ticket prices allowing owners to make more pay more to these millionaire cry babies and its all our fault. we have no one to blame but ourselves. In 50 days Ramirez will do the same thing in LA and all will be forgiven even for a guy who has proved over time he is nothing more than a punk, a selfish punk at that. We need to send a better messge to athletes than this. pretty soon Michael "dogman" Vick will be back in the NFL, and why (after spending 18 mos in jail) because he can run fast and sell tickets to the games, sports arent sports anymore, its big big big business. What happened to the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat? the old days players played for the love of the game!!! forget about the steroid era, thank Michael Jordan for the era of BIG MONEY!!!!!!

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