Wednesday, October 21, 2009

21 October 09

Phillies up 3 to 1 and Yankees up 3 to 1, two teams with monster lineups, yet what do you want to bet that the WOrld Series between them would be about pitching. Each needs atleast one more win to get there so dont start the debate yet.

Isnt it nice when you buy something shiny and new and it actually works out to your expectation levels for when you made the purchase. CC Sabathia has done everything that the Yankees could have hoped for so far this postseason. Burnett hasnt been that bad either, now if they could just get Tex to hit, they would have hit the trifecta on their offseason acquistions.

Hey has anyone seen the Ryan Howard that struck out a million times this season, he has gone missing.

Wasnt the Dodger bullpen supposed to be a strength going into these playoffs? In all fairness to Manny, which i hate to do, the game should have been over, Broxton didnt do his job, they win and no one would have even heard about the shower. Why does it seem that with extra umpires in the playoffs more calls are being missed, isnt more supposed to be better?

Pro Football needs a minor league like the other sports, there is too much watered down football, we could start by placing the Raiders, Rams (hey didnt they both used to be in LA), Lions, and Chiefs there as intial teams! No not the Redskins, we still need a few teams to pick on and laugh at. The Guy never worked as anything more than a Quartback Coach, what did they think would happen?

People keep telling me the Hockey and Basketball are playing but I tell them, those two sports dont start until March when they begin to play to see what four teams wont make the playoffs.

One more thing, Serena Williams and a couple of others did a nice photo shoot, stop whining about it and start doing more of them, we need more bare essentials in the world!!

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