Wednesday, December 9, 2009

9 December 09

People its time to start realizing that once you begin to idolize some human being because they are really good at something, they get knocked down. God is letting you know he is the only one to idolize. Its a commandment, yet all of you still want to find sports figures as idols. Shame on you. If you look at it most of these sports idols fall prey to the simplest of transgressions too. Magic, Jordan and now Tiger, sins of the flesh. They dont even go out of their way to screw up tough ones, they simply just abuse their status by falling for the oldest trick in the book the devil employs, sex. The downfall of the majority of men is sins of flesh. Does sex change their ability to play sports, no but it does change our perception of them. So pay attention, why idolize a human being and then act surprised when they fall, even David fell!!! Its not that God isnt paying attention, its that he is paying attention. If your super idol is tempted so easily, God shows you that He is the only one!

And so now in Week 13, it looks as if my prediction of Baltimore vs. Philidelphia in the Super Bowl isnt going to happen. How did they fall so fast? Ray Lewis is only so good and that offense isnt producing as it should. Philly could make a statement but they arent consistent enough either. The Redskins should be 6-6 but arent because of their inability to close out games with what is touted as a great defense. Haynesworth isnt worth $100 million, he is a big tired crybaby. The Vick experiment is boring. Favre came back to earth, thank goodness. Eventually, all gunslingers go back to slinging, hahaha Vikings get back on track and hand the ball to Peterson.

Seriously, TCU vs. Boise St, come on is that the best we can do. TCU should be playing Florida, Cincinnati should be playing Boise St and what kind of world sends Iowa to a BCS bowl. Are that many teams this bad? USC fell apart. Notre Dame needs to swallow its pride and join the Big Ten. IF it wasnt for alumni we wouldnt even hear about ND. They havent been relevant in years!!! But so many want them to be they whine in the media to keep hopes alive. BOO HOO let it go. You are either an institution of higher learning or a sports factory, ie. Florida, Alabama, USC, etc... Speaking of which, why are they considering paying athletes? They get an opportunity for a FREE education. Ask any kid that wants to go to a school that cant afford it if they think athletes should also get paid and they will laugh at you. You are either there to teach or produce professional players, not both. Too bad higher learning is about money.

If the road to the World Series goes through New York, then why dont more teams want to pony up for a guy with a career winning percantage of .750 against them. Really, do you want to make money or win championships. Say what you will about the Steinbrenners, they want to win and are willing to spend to do it. So all you Yankee haters stop whinning because your ownership just wants to make money, Championships be damned. Speaking of stupid, the Nationals are paying Pudge $6 million over two years for a backup roll. Really, that is your idea of improving your fan base and increase ticket sales? Their starting catcher doesnt even make that. Wow. Some people know how to spend others dont have a clue.

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