Monday, November 30, 2009

30 November 09

Well the year is crusing by and what a bore the football season is becoming. Teams are terrible, Giants, Ravens, Eagles, Steelers, etc... Only two three teams playing well, Colts, Saints and Vikes. And please no Vikes Super Bowl win, i dont think i could handle all the Favre love. He would be knighted and that would be painful. The college football season almost seems to be a wash. Start to finish Florida, Alabama and Texas are walking in the park. Three good teams Cincinnati, TCU and Boise St. have no chance at title and that sucks, I now and forever will hate the Bowls. People there will never be a playoff in major college football and that is a crime. FBS Football Bowl Subdivision, yup never be a playoff and all you fools will continue to contribute to it by going to the games and watching on tv instead of making a stand and boycotting these things so they lose money and have to heed the voices of the public we will continue to watch the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Even mentioning a second place Big Ten team as a BCS bowl contender is so wrong over an undefeated team that just shows People are selfish. Shame on all of you for not fighting back, where is the American spirit? 16 teams fighting for the championship. why are we even considering sending teams that dont even win their conference to the top games.

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