Thursday, May 7, 2009

7 May 09

IS this just "Manny being Manny" or can we finally say this guy can hit but is a complete moron!!! Thank Goodness for Manny, He makes A-Rod seem boring. Well win four lose four, so this proves money doesnt buy happiness as $200 million doesnt buy any wins thats for sure. Is it me or are the NBA playoffs boring outside of Boston. They arent going to win it all again but atleast the games are interesting. Cleveland and LA just look tooo good. Hockey looks good in HD and like crap in everything else. PS when is it going to stop raining in NEw York? Its like Seattle here but atleast they have enough sense when building a new stadium to put in a retractable roof!!


  1. Glad we got rid of him before he messed up

    oh yeah Yankees Bite!!!

  2. Many stated that his doctor prescribed this to him. So i was wondering what type of Ovarian cysts was many trying to get help with? Anyways, I'm sure Redsox owner's had another nice toast to the heavily criticized trade for Bay last night. And hey Grandy......DIDNT YOU USED TO BE MARIANO RIVERA???

  3. yeah yeah yeah I have my days against the Red Sox, its just usually Big Papi that i give up the runs to! everyone knows that.
