Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09 - 09 - 09

Yesterday I said no Americans in US Open, what I should have said was no American males left in tournament. My bad.

By the way what kind of Hotel kicks out a teenager trying to win the US Open? That is really dumb from a PR standpoint and not very patriotic either. Duh people!!

Richard Seymour doesnt want to be a Raider, well who can blame him. I wouldnt either. You go from the team with a great chance to win the Super Bowl, to a team with a certain chance to watch it on big screen.

Stop picking on the Pirates and tell me when was the last time the KC Royals or Baltimore Orioles were relevant.

When was the last time Oklahoma won a big game? Why are we saying that Notre Dame and Michigan are back? Shouldnt they beat some one first and each other doesnt count. What was the last game a Big Ten school won that actually meant something?

How many ex-football players does ESPN need to analyze football? Seriously, is that gig apart of some retirement plan for the NFL?

Super Bowl Prediction: Baltimore Ravens vs. Philadelphia Eagles in the least watched Super Bowl of all time!!!! Oh and the Eagles will win McNabb MVP and next year during the draft the Eagles will select with the 32nd pick Max Hall QB from BYU.

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