Tuesday, October 27, 2009

27 October 09

Its nice being a Giants fan here in DC as i sit and listen each day going to and from work all the Redskins fans wanting to fire everyone because their team is not producing much. It is great and makes the commute more bearable.

The NBA kicks off its season and i will say it again, not even interesting until March.

Didnt NFL Europe fail, so why are we playing games in London? They will never like our football over there just like we dont like their football over here. Surprising as they are all violent fans and our game certainly has some violence in it. Just ask and linemen!

College Football this year has no clear dominate team, is it me or are there just too many 23 to 17 games going on? When do we get to see teams dominate like the days of old. Iowa wants to be involved in the BCS championship game talk and yet they won 15 to 13 on a last second touchdown of which i have to wonder what the CB was thinking when he was guarding that receiver. It was clearly a slant route. Alabama almost and probably should have lost AT HOME, to Tennessee. Why do coaches settle for field goal attempts, that is playing to not lose which is usually what happens. That DL Cody for Alabama was lucky he wasnt called for one of those celebrating penalities as the play wasnt dead and he threw he helmet off. That would have been great a 15 yard penalty and rekick! Is it me or does USC always lose to an unranked PAC10 team? why are they never punished for that, they are still in the top 5 in polls? The ACC is horrible, the Big 12 North is even worse, the Big East isnt much better and the Mountain West wants acceptablility. Yuck. The best fame of the year is going to be the SEC Championship. How can we seriously consider Iowa, TCU, Boise St, and Cinncinati when they couldnt even win a division of the SEC let alone the conference. Here is routing for Texas and a decent BCS game for a change.

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