Wednesday, May 20, 2009

20 May 09

I am sick of hearing about Michael Vick! if was lousy we wouldnt even be talking about him, but after the Dolphin experiment with the wildcat offsense people may want Vick. Its all our fault too, as fans we want our teams to win at any cost, to include bringing in convicts. Ray Lewis is another fine example, instead of being in jail he won a super bowl. It is just ridiculous. This is why I say Jeter is still the best athelete going. You dont hear about him or his personal life, he is respectful of his coaches and teamates and is well grounded.
So Blake your reward for coming out early is a trip to LA and an opportunity to play for a perrenial loser in the Clippers, good luck with that. Hey three years from now maybe you can go to another team via free agency. Wouldnt Lebron James look good in a Knicks uniform with Wade right next to him in the same uni. Dare to dream.
Does A-Rod hit anything but Home Runs or what? Are they checking him for steroids or a possibly brain damage. Pitching is horrible this year, all this specialization in pitching staffs not really working out. Bullpens are terrible, closers are blowing saves and the complete outside of Roy Halladay is none existant, where have all the pitchers gone?

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