Monday, October 19, 2009

19 October 09

Yankees are winning with A-Rod being clutch. Who would have figured that? Tex hasnt been hitting but the two pitchers they picked up have been more than could have been hoped for and the bullpen has been fantastic even if missused a bit.

The Phillies are certainly handling the Dodgers pretty easily, can the Dodgers make it a series?

Hey I think Tom Brady just through another TD pass.

What in the world happened to the Titans? Did the Eagles forget to show up yesterday? How do you lose to the Raiders? That Saints offense is good! Its not even fun making fun of the Redskins anymore, they are just BAD!

College football is just a let down right now, there are no dominant teams at all! yup i said it, NO dominant teams out there just screaming we are the team to beat. Boy you have to feel bad for Sam Bradford, he comes back giving up the No1 overall pick in the draft and just cant stay healthy. For all those of you wondering why most college atheletes dont come back that is the reason, he wont even be drafted in the first round when he does come out. Tim Tebow will be drafted higher to play fullback. So sad for Bradford.

Phil Jackson wants Ron Artest to be more aggresive. Really, that last time Artest was really aggressive didnt he charge into a crowd at the Palace and cause a little ruckous?

Why are they playing a NFL game in London?

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