Monday, October 26, 2009

26 october 09

2009 World Series New York Yankees vs. Philidelphia Philles. Seems poetic. Angels really dont like cold weather. Hey Cleveland CC vs Cliff, they used to be yours. bummer. after all the hub bub isnt Mariano Riveria the real "Mr. October"?

Hey Eagles fans, see what happens when you run the ball against Raiders, you win and win HUGE. bummer on that 46 passes thing, maybe you need a new game plan eh? Giants have lost two in a row. New Orleans sure can light up a scoreboard. Were there any good games this weekend, i think not!!! how many teams lost by 4 touchdowns, atleast 6, same, and so much for that parody thing.

Yankees in 6. Two home run producing parks and lineups. how about three or four 8 to 7 games?

Baltimore Ravens vs. Philidelphia Eagles Super BOwl is looking a little rough right now, but its a long season.

Isnt Jim Zorn a nice guy? So calm.

Hey for $1.5 billion dollars how come they couldnt get a retrackable roof?

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