Thursday, June 18, 2009

18 June 09

If not for Amy the only thing we would be talking about this weekend is Tiger Woods, but now with Phil trying to win one for his wife, we have an over abundance of that story. The only problem is the rest of the field might like that feel good story and conceed to him but Tiger wont. which is what makes Tiger great. He only cares about winning when he is playing, he leaves feelings at the door. Too bad other athletes dont take a page from this book. Instead, you have millionaire crybabies.

Could someone out there just hit Favre hard enough on the field that he stops all this madness. I mean seriously, no one cares anymore and you have proven yourself to be sooo narcisistic that you wont be beloved anylonger, unless of course you win a Super Bowl for Minnesota and in that scenario (which is totally unlikely) a Packers fan will be sure to shoot you, as a trader!!!

Is it me or do Mike & Mike have the best job in the world, or maybe Colin Cowherd does? Just the best jobs ever.

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