Wednesday, November 18, 2009

18 November 09

Well Football is at a point where its just ugly to me. There are no good teams in the NFL right now, yes that includes you Colts and Saints. Just because you have been handed wins doesnt make you good. THe Vikings have played one defense and lost, so you are suspect plus you got the old guy and he will crumble like always. The Bad teams, Raiders, Chiefs, Rams are all really really bad. The Redskins think they can make the playoffs!!! thats the best joke so far this season. Win more than one in a row then we will talk. NCAA is just as bad, there are no more blowouts in collge football, no more dominating teams, yes shut up alabama, you are not that dominate. You have 6 undefeateds but it wont matter only two get the big money, its about time we start calling it that as that is all NCAA cares about. MONEY MONEY MONEY. MONEY. I hope they have 5 undefeated teams at the end of the year and point fingers and tell certain programs yup you dont get any of this MONEY MONEY MONEY. its not a national championship, its teh MONEY BOWL!!!!! and by the way a PLUS 1 is an even dumber idea than the MONEY BOWL. No you are going to have TWO MONEY BOWLS in one season just how greedy are these people. Hey we get this bowl because fans travel, does anyone see the stupidity of that statement? WHat the hell do fans have to do with how good the teams are? Since when do fans play the games? You go to a bowl based on your merit as a team, well atleast you should but not in the NCAA MONEY MONEY MONEY BOWLS!!! hey no bowl for you, you dont bring any MONEY.

MLB shortening the season so we dont play games in November or in a Blizzard not even on the table, why? Refer to earlier answer: MONEY MONEY MONEY. hey its a rich mans world!!!!

Horseshoes anyone?

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