Monday, June 29, 2009

29 Jun 09

Ever wonder why losing teams stay losing teams? Its simple really, 1. Money, they dont have any. 2. They have bad business personnel making bad decisions. 3. They want to factor in only numbers and the flow of the game. If you are the Cubs and need a bat to get over the hump, you dont get the volital crazy guy (M Bradley) just because he can hit, he is a HUGE distraction in the clubhouse. You dont draft three Point Guards in the draft and expect them to all want to stay and play together. You dont draft two power forwards when you already have three on the roster, that you cant move because of contracts already in place. You certainly dont want to pick up a player with a potiential drug habit period but especially if you have recovering drug habit personnel on the team. Its hard to get good free agents, when you arent paying well and have nothing in the area to inspire your players during off hours. You should have a better idea of what your players are doing to keep them from getting distracted easily due to local entertainment.

So Cris Carter says steriods is like a receiver using stickum on his gloves, interesting observation. No it doesnt help you to catch a ball or hit a ball or even see a ball better, but it does make it easier to do it over and over again without pain. Pain is a very important factor in human lives, bad decisions can be made when underess of pain. Like taking steriods to heal faster. Its hard to sign big contracts when you are hurt. How many atheletes have career years when its time to sign a new contract, is this really hard to notice, I am talking to you stupid owners out there that sign a guy after he had one great year and act surprised when he doesnt do it again.

Sports are pretty simple, get some players together that want to win (yes that isnt the case for a lot of them, they just want to see the money) give them the time to learn one another and play together and give them the necessary leadership and away they go to win win win.

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