Sunday, July 26, 2009

26 July 09

So life is just getting better and better. The Yankees have gone 9-1 on the homestand and made a bolt for the top of the AL East, while BOston and Tampa have been struggling a little bit. Now they go on the rode and we shall see if they can keep it up.

The Tour de Bore is over and now we dont have to hear about that for atleast another year thank goodness. Sorry but its a bike race, boring.

Whats with all the boxers being shot recently. I mean is there a serious need to rid the world of old boxers? Argiou, Forreset, and Gatti. Its just mean. You want to kill a boxer do it in the ring and charge people money for it that is the American Dream not in cold blood over their car or because you dont love him any more.

The dog days of summer are coming!!! This means only one thing, FOOTBALL camps open very very soon. Yes bring on the pads!!!

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