Tuesday, June 30, 2009

30 June 09

Aniexty Disorder in sports. Yup I think it stems from all these dumb parental ideas of mercy rules, not keeping score, everyone plays, blah blah blah. Sorry parents but you are wrong. They never learn they are not good enough and move on to things they should be doing. The sooner we get your weak child off the football, baseball field the sooner he/she can learn soccer and get out of the way. If you are not good enough then move on. Another thing it should be illegal to scout any student under the age of 17. Enough of these grown men lurking around schools looking for basketball players etc... for AAU stuff. Trying to get their meat hooks in them. Furthermore, STOP STOP STOP coddling these kids that are good at certain sports, make them go to class get a real education and stop filling their heads so they stop thinking they are Gods gift to the world, every kid is so get over yourselves. Another thing from now on college should be a mandatory 3 year commitment. That way when you are a bust in your sport you only have one year left to earn that degree and can be a productive member of society instead of a useless one talking about the glory days. No one wants to hear about how great you were!!!! NO ONE!!! not even your mom.

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