Thursday, June 11, 2009

11 June 09

34-18 vs the League and 0-7 vs the damn Sox. that is just ridiculus and oh yeah lets help Ortix heat up by giving up some gopher balls to hit out. He hits like crap against the rest of the league and against the yankees its business as usual. The Yankees will have to learn to score runs without the long ball as that seems to be their offense right now and it doesnt work outside the new stadium. They have a false sense of security when it comes to hitting on the road. If they had won even three games against the sox this year they would have a six game lead already. Shame shame shame.

Hey the one and done rule is stupid how long is that going to be in affect? Im sick of young punks that get an opportunity the rest of America would kill for and waste it because they all want to be "millionaire NBA crybabies" and apparently Lebron is going to be there crybaby spokes person. Seriously, how can Magic and Bird and Jordan take this NBA of todays game and not be outraged? All these kids are in it for the money and their little entourages to see who has the most. It is embarassing and i wont watch. Terrible. Sports has gotten away from what makes it great, and we the fans are the ones to blame. College BBall is being affected now too and thats what really kills me. Its not about the game its about money money money. There used to be players that played for the love of the game, now its me me me all the time and you sportwriters make it worse by highlighting ever stupid thing people like TO do and just give him more reason to do it and get coverage. FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME STOP PAMPERING THESE ATHELETES. MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE AND STOP TELLING THEM FROM THE TIME THEY START DRIBBLING THEY WILL BE A SUPERSTAR AND FORGET EVERYTHING ELSE. Im sick to my stomach.

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