Tuesday, July 21, 2009

21 July 09

Just when I thought it was safe to be annoyed the Red Sux went and renewed my faith in humanity, by losing three straight and now they find themselves once again in a dead heat with the greatest sports franchise, the Evil Empire, yes the Yankees. Whats not to love about a superior team showing weakness, right at the time that their injuried players are coming back healthy, you just couldnt ask for more. Well you could but it wouldnt be legal.

Poor Tom Watson, had a chance for glory but choked like Greg Norman. Boy golf must really be a tough sport for so many good men coughing it up in the spot light. I guess thats why Tiger has such a big following, he never ever loses with a lead. EVER! Hey Phil take note. Its nice to have the lead going into Friday but its better to have it on Sunday!

Some one, anyone please tell me why Lance Armstrong is racing in the Tour de Bore. Is his ego that big? What is left to prove? Why cant athletes just hang it up before they disgrace themselves?

Look out NFC East, Romo dumped Jessica Simpson, the Cowpokes may actually win something this year. They may win their first playoff game in a bakers dozen of years. No Jessica, No TO it could lights out for cowpoke opponents. Or they may have to find something else to blame for their miserable failures. I would recommend JERRY JONES. Lets be honest that is where all the blame should be placed. Ah a new stadium, new hope, but i bet the same result will occur.

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