Monday, June 8, 2009

8 June 09

Tiger does it again. Roger completes the cycle. Arguealby the two most dominant men in their respective sports and very similar, they both have 14 championships and have won all four majors for the cycle. They are both never considered out of contention. They use the same razor, what else can you say. Brilliant!

BOOOO Kobe, still will never be on board with Kobe being considered great. He has never beat a superior team and never will. Michael beat better teams, Magic beat better Bird teams and vice versa. Chamberlin even beat a better team. Russell well there were no better teams. The heck with the NBA finals bring on the WNBA!!

Another boring Stanley Cup, what happen to the days of declaring a team winner with a goal that should not have counted. Yes bring on the Dallas Stars!! Syd the Kid will wait another year and for the life of me can anyone explain why the only thing they do in Detriot is play hockey?? Maybe they should try Hockey players in Detriot out on the football field they cant do any worse than the actual lions players.

Roy Halladay, what can you say, just a steady go about your business guy that completes his missions. Year in and year out just a consistant pitcher in one of the less known teams that pitches great. 10-1. with several complete games already. If he was playing in a bigger market, they would build him monuments. And he even hates the Yankees and would never pitch for them. Wont sell out, that is admirable!!!

So let me ask you, when he is all done, what do you think of the idea of Manny Ramirez as a hitting instructor?


  1. When Manny is all done, he will drop off the face of the earth. Becoming a hitting instructor would actually require him to help another human being. This is against his better judgement...its always been about Manny and only about Manny. Anyways, he's the Dodgers problem now....btw you might want to check out his replacement on the Red Sox....

  2. Yankees 1 game lead in the East....99% probability that the Sox will be tied with them at the end of this 3 game series...of course weather permitting.
