Tuesday, June 30, 2009

30 June 09

Aniexty Disorder in sports. Yup I think it stems from all these dumb parental ideas of mercy rules, not keeping score, everyone plays, blah blah blah. Sorry parents but you are wrong. They never learn they are not good enough and move on to things they should be doing. The sooner we get your weak child off the football, baseball field the sooner he/she can learn soccer and get out of the way. If you are not good enough then move on. Another thing it should be illegal to scout any student under the age of 17. Enough of these grown men lurking around schools looking for basketball players etc... for AAU stuff. Trying to get their meat hooks in them. Furthermore, STOP STOP STOP coddling these kids that are good at certain sports, make them go to class get a real education and stop filling their heads so they stop thinking they are Gods gift to the world, every kid is so get over yourselves. Another thing from now on college should be a mandatory 3 year commitment. That way when you are a bust in your sport you only have one year left to earn that degree and can be a productive member of society instead of a useless one talking about the glory days. No one wants to hear about how great you were!!!! NO ONE!!! not even your mom.

Monday, June 29, 2009

29 Jun 09

Ever wonder why losing teams stay losing teams? Its simple really, 1. Money, they dont have any. 2. They have bad business personnel making bad decisions. 3. They want to factor in only numbers and the flow of the game. If you are the Cubs and need a bat to get over the hump, you dont get the volital crazy guy (M Bradley) just because he can hit, he is a HUGE distraction in the clubhouse. You dont draft three Point Guards in the draft and expect them to all want to stay and play together. You dont draft two power forwards when you already have three on the roster, that you cant move because of contracts already in place. You certainly dont want to pick up a player with a potiential drug habit period but especially if you have recovering drug habit personnel on the team. Its hard to get good free agents, when you arent paying well and have nothing in the area to inspire your players during off hours. You should have a better idea of what your players are doing to keep them from getting distracted easily due to local entertainment.

So Cris Carter says steriods is like a receiver using stickum on his gloves, interesting observation. No it doesnt help you to catch a ball or hit a ball or even see a ball better, but it does make it easier to do it over and over again without pain. Pain is a very important factor in human lives, bad decisions can be made when underess of pain. Like taking steriods to heal faster. Its hard to sign big contracts when you are hurt. How many atheletes have career years when its time to sign a new contract, is this really hard to notice, I am talking to you stupid owners out there that sign a guy after he had one great year and act surprised when he doesnt do it again.

Sports are pretty simple, get some players together that want to win (yes that isnt the case for a lot of them, they just want to see the money) give them the time to learn one another and play together and give them the necessary leadership and away they go to win win win.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

24 June 09

So there I say last night at Nationals Park in Washington DC watching the Nationals take on the Red Sox with about 30,000 Red Sox fans wondering what happens when the Nationals play a bad team. It was a night of record attendance of 41,517 fans. The owners had to be thanking Bud Selig for Interleague play, if that is their highest attendance. Luckily they have two more games in the series and a lot of the Red Sox fans were talking about going to the rest of the games. And of course the Red Sox sent their traveling fans home happy with a thrashing of the Nats 11-3. The Nats kept it close for awhile, before relenting to the pressure of the hit machine that is the Sox. They just never stop. Ramirez gone, Big Papi not hitting and still they are crushing baseballs, its impressive and would be even more so if i werent a Yankees fans watching my team just wallow in patheticness. 0 runs scored against the Braves. Just awful.

Why would you let Phil Jackson coach away games from Home??????

Thursday, June 18, 2009

18 June 09

If not for Amy the only thing we would be talking about this weekend is Tiger Woods, but now with Phil trying to win one for his wife, we have an over abundance of that story. The only problem is the rest of the field might like that feel good story and conceed to him but Tiger wont. which is what makes Tiger great. He only cares about winning when he is playing, he leaves feelings at the door. Too bad other athletes dont take a page from this book. Instead, you have millionaire crybabies.

Could someone out there just hit Favre hard enough on the field that he stops all this madness. I mean seriously, no one cares anymore and you have proven yourself to be sooo narcisistic that you wont be beloved anylonger, unless of course you win a Super Bowl for Minnesota and in that scenario (which is totally unlikely) a Packers fan will be sure to shoot you, as a trader!!!

Is it me or do Mike & Mike have the best job in the world, or maybe Colin Cowherd does? Just the best jobs ever.

Monday, June 15, 2009

15 June 09

Is there any chance at all that now the Kobe has his Shaq free championship and Phil has his tenth, that they will both retire and ride off into the sunset together? I mean one can dream right?

Kobe's place in history, frankly dont care. Phil has ten as coach, it is impressive and he deserves credit. Yes he had great players but great players dont always win, just ask Dan Marino, Charles Barkley, etc... Different teams and different times. It is an achievement to be proud of, Red built his teams and didnt have to worry about large player change over. he also had less teams to play and less rounds to get to the championship and less chances to falter. He had teams of all stars. Yes Phil had Michael, but simply being the best doesnt guarantee a championship does it Lebron?

Pens win the Cup, Pens with the Cup, now Pittsburgh is the reigning champion in two sports, how great for them. Remember when Boston used to do that, not so much anymore or in the near future.

Does anyone notice when a team under .500 wins 11 in a row and is still under .500?

Friday, June 12, 2009

12 June 09

Its official I am sick to my stomach 0-8. Just sick and oh by the way Big Papi has hit three home runs. yuck yuck yuck. As a true fan i would rather win all games against the Red Sox and lose the World Series than the other way around. Its just disgusting and Joe better be careful cause losing to the Sox all season will get you fired even if you win the World Series, thats what makes a rivalry. So Joe get the boys going and fast, if you lose three straight to the Mets this weekend you will be out on your ears. Big mistake, you cant lose to your rivals this badly, we have already lost 2 of 3 to the Mets and are being swept by Boston, losing three more this weekend and baseball is done for the season, atleast for the Yankees and with the other "Joe" raking in the best record in baseball without his biggest star, its just going to get uglier and uglier.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

11 June 09

34-18 vs the League and 0-7 vs the damn Sox. that is just ridiculus and oh yeah lets help Ortix heat up by giving up some gopher balls to hit out. He hits like crap against the rest of the league and against the yankees its business as usual. The Yankees will have to learn to score runs without the long ball as that seems to be their offense right now and it doesnt work outside the new stadium. They have a false sense of security when it comes to hitting on the road. If they had won even three games against the sox this year they would have a six game lead already. Shame shame shame.

Hey the one and done rule is stupid how long is that going to be in affect? Im sick of young punks that get an opportunity the rest of America would kill for and waste it because they all want to be "millionaire NBA crybabies" and apparently Lebron is going to be there crybaby spokes person. Seriously, how can Magic and Bird and Jordan take this NBA of todays game and not be outraged? All these kids are in it for the money and their little entourages to see who has the most. It is embarassing and i wont watch. Terrible. Sports has gotten away from what makes it great, and we the fans are the ones to blame. College BBall is being affected now too and thats what really kills me. Its not about the game its about money money money. There used to be players that played for the love of the game, now its me me me all the time and you sportwriters make it worse by highlighting ever stupid thing people like TO do and just give him more reason to do it and get coverage. FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME STOP PAMPERING THESE ATHELETES. MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE AND STOP TELLING THEM FROM THE TIME THEY START DRIBBLING THEY WILL BE A SUPERSTAR AND FORGET EVERYTHING ELSE. Im sick to my stomach.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

9 June 09

Manny really helped Ortiz. And Yes Bay is doing very well, but if Ortiz was hitting his weight, literally and figuratively, the Red Sox would have a big lead in the AL East.

Fans pay to see home runs so why is it such a big deal that the new Yankee Stadium is producing them? BOth teams can hit them, is there a rule in MLB that limits the amount of HRs you can hit in a season or are sports writers that bored that they cant find anything else to talk about? BOO Randy Johnson, a really bad bad guy. BOO the Braves treating Glavine like that after the fiasco with Smoltz, they learned nothing but protect their pockets.

Why do they still insist on using illuminium bats in College, do they really think its better for the game? More runs means more money, what is it. It gives players a false sense of their abilities. So what you hit .456 in college can you even hit .200 in the pros, no no no, get rid of the bats.

Monday, June 8, 2009

8 June 09

Tiger does it again. Roger completes the cycle. Arguealby the two most dominant men in their respective sports and very similar, they both have 14 championships and have won all four majors for the cycle. They are both never considered out of contention. They use the same razor, what else can you say. Brilliant!

BOOOO Kobe, still will never be on board with Kobe being considered great. He has never beat a superior team and never will. Michael beat better teams, Magic beat better Bird teams and vice versa. Chamberlin even beat a better team. Russell well there were no better teams. The heck with the NBA finals bring on the WNBA!!

Another boring Stanley Cup, what happen to the days of declaring a team winner with a goal that should not have counted. Yes bring on the Dallas Stars!! Syd the Kid will wait another year and for the life of me can anyone explain why the only thing they do in Detriot is play hockey?? Maybe they should try Hockey players in Detriot out on the football field they cant do any worse than the actual lions players.

Roy Halladay, what can you say, just a steady go about your business guy that completes his missions. Year in and year out just a consistant pitcher in one of the less known teams that pitches great. 10-1. with several complete games already. If he was playing in a bigger market, they would build him monuments. And he even hates the Yankees and would never pitch for them. Wont sell out, that is admirable!!!

So let me ask you, when he is all done, what do you think of the idea of Manny Ramirez as a hitting instructor?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

3 June 09

Stat of the Day: Derek Jeter 2603 hits, 1500 runs, 200 HRs, & 1000 RBIs
Not bad for 14 years on the job.

Hey has anyone seen the Blue Jays in awhile, couple of weeks ago they were in first place but i cant seem to find them. Maybe the Angels should have paid Texiera, it seems to be working for the Yankees. Randy Johnson goes for 300 and who cares. I have never liked this guy and his stint in New York was horrible. Will any other pitcers ever reach 300 wins? Speaking of milestones, how long until Jeter gets hit 3000? Health maintained of course. Hall of Famer, YES I THINK SO! ok off the Jeter wagon for awhile.

Anyone think of a reason why Jack Del Rio slammed his own player over OTA practice? It was a great thing to hear from a coach but it seems to be three months premature to me.

I love women's sports, but for the life of me cant figure out why female softball players wear bows in their hair during games.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

By The Way

Didnt you use to be David Ortiz? So how good are steroids?

2 Jun 09

So no Kobe vs Lebron, Lebron is a crybaby, whatever NBA is MILLIONAIRE CRYBABIES!! That is all they are good for, they whine and cry and want their money, cash their checks. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Then there is hockey that no one watches and its actually compelling. They actually fight and play hard. So sad.

But hey who doesnt love the WCWS. Those girls are fun to watch! Florida St. 37 Ohio St 6 when did football season start? isnt there a mercy rule in college baseball?

So the Yankees are back on top! All is now right in the world.