Tuesday, May 26, 2009

26 May 09

Is it me or has the hockey playoffs dissappeared altogher, i dont even see highlights anymore. the NBA is not hoping for a Finals of Nuggets vs. Magic but it is very likely. Boy wouldnt that be great Nuggets Magic and no Kobe or Lebron, then we can start hearing about how great the two are until next season. I am sick to death of Kobe and bored out of my mind with Lebron "King" James. boo hoo so what, i would rather see them out of the Finals. Then what would all the sports writers say? Maybe they will say they were cheated like the Suns a few years ago, with the bad officiating. Anyway, Syracuse won its 11th Lacrosse Championship on Memorial Day its becoming a regular thing to watch them play for a championship every Memorial Day. They are 11-5 in the big game. not bad really. The Yankees have turned around the season with the return of A-Fraud. The Dodgers are still winning with Manny so who will be recieved better throughout the season? The Cubs have fallen on hard times and the Padres have had quite the couple of weeks, now the actually think they are in it, boys itss way too early for that kind of talk, just ask Toronto. My how quickly they fall!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

21 May 09

Orlando shocks the Basketball world by upsetting Cleveland at home, its the first loss in the playoffs for the Cavs. Apparently, the Lebrons can be beat. hey heres a thought any takes on Magic vs Nuggets in the Finals, would anyone outside those two cities even watch that series? Any way i am still routing for Nuggets vs Cavs. Melo vs Lebron. Bench vs bench. Role players vs Role Players. could it be any better than that.
Big Papi got off the snide, how nice for him.
It was brought to my attention that the greatest golfer in the world was going to be out indefinitely due to family illness, breast cancer to his wife, so i asked when did Elin get breast cancer didnt she just give birth to their second child? But alas i was mislead, Tiger is still playing. Now dont get me wrong, I am no Tiger fan, but lets face it people last year golf ratings plummeted when he was out that will not happen to the PGA minus Phil Mickleson. He may be a great golfer and good guy but he is no ratings cow. As long as Tiger is golfing people will watch and that is all the PGA cares about!! by the way, didnt Tiger's dad die and he kept playing, didnt he have a torn ACL and keep playing, didnt his wife have two kids and he kept playing, so level commitment Tiger 14 Majors, Phil 3. Im just saying!!!!
Speaking of boring the NHL resumes tonight Pens vs Hurricanes.
You know going to the Clippers first overall would really really suck, you know you will never compete with the Lakers but luckily all those zeros in Griffins contract will help him sleep very comfortably at night, that is until Obama gets his share of the contract. Players may want to start thinking about differing money until the is a Republican President so they can keep some of their earnings.

21 May 09

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

20 May 09

I am sick of hearing about Michael Vick! if was lousy we wouldnt even be talking about him, but after the Dolphin experiment with the wildcat offsense people may want Vick. Its all our fault too, as fans we want our teams to win at any cost, to include bringing in convicts. Ray Lewis is another fine example, instead of being in jail he won a super bowl. It is just ridiculous. This is why I say Jeter is still the best athelete going. You dont hear about him or his personal life, he is respectful of his coaches and teamates and is well grounded.
So Blake your reward for coming out early is a trip to LA and an opportunity to play for a perrenial loser in the Clippers, good luck with that. Hey three years from now maybe you can go to another team via free agency. Wouldnt Lebron James look good in a Knicks uniform with Wade right next to him in the same uni. Dare to dream.
Does A-Rod hit anything but Home Runs or what? Are they checking him for steroids or a possibly brain damage. Pitching is horrible this year, all this specialization in pitching staffs not really working out. Bullpens are terrible, closers are blowing saves and the complete outside of Roy Halladay is none existant, where have all the pitchers gone?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

19 May 09

The hell with Kobe vs Lebron, i know it sounds nice but seriously, Kobe is OVERRATED. I want Lebron vs Melo!! yes the two picks from 2003 NBA Draft. Listen, when the Lakers lose AGAIN, will you all get off Kobe's jock and see him for what he is and that is a BIG PUNK. he never has and never will be anything more. hasnt won anything without Shaq and wont. Bynum and Gasol together arent Shaq!

Man the Pens score a lot of goals dont they! Still dont want a repeat of last years Stanley Cup finals thought. Hate Hockeytown. Go home Redwings.

Too bad that the Yankees can play every game against the Twins in New York, it would definitely improve the win total. Where have you gone Joltin Joe??? When baseball was just spitballs!

Monday, May 18, 2009

18 May 09

Well the weekend was good for the Yankees in "Walk off" fashion. Three games against the Twins ended in three walk off hits and wins for the Yankees. Cabrera, Rodriquez and Damon all come through with big clutch hits to win games and they still have another game against the Twins tonight. Minnesota is 3-22 in Yankee Stadium since 2002, so apparently the "Ghosts of Yankee Stadium come accros the road for this series we shall see how long they stay.

It wasnt a good weekend for Boston sports the Bruins and Celtics got knock out of their respective sports playoffs, the Red Sox actually benched Big Papi. Kobe and the Lakers survived against the Rockets and now face off against a Nuggets team that has been flying through the playoffs.

THe Final four of NCAA Division 1 Lacrosse has the top teams left in Virginia #1, Syracuse #2, Duke #3 and COrnell #5, so next weekends Final Four should be full of good matches!!Syracuse is the defending champion and looks to keep adding to its championships going after number 11.

There has even been a Mets sighting in baseball over the last week. They have moved into first place with a banged up lineup but are playing good ball. The Tampa Bay Rays commited a lineup error and had to bat a pitcher because of it and their best player wasnt entered in the line up. And who says those lineup cards arent important.

A philly won the preakness and Nadal lost on clay so miracles will never cease!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

15 May 09

What a great night for Boston sports, Celtics LOSE, Bruins LOSE (game 7), Red Sox LOSE (Big Papi 0-7 3 Ks, left 12 men on base). it just couldnt get any better than this!!! Can the Celtics win game 7, its up for grabs at this point, of course this would all be academic if KG were playing, but alas he is not. so good luck on that one. By the way the Yankees two key stars return to the line up last night and propel the team to victory.

It is also nice to see the Lakers not only lose but get crushed along the way. 36 points in the first half, did a Jordan team ever do that inthe playoffs, he usually had that by himself!!! Wouldnt it be nice to see the Lakers lose the series, well maybe not for David Stern but who likes him anyway. Although, i will say of all the Commissioners he is the best, sad but true. Goodell is a waffler, bettmen is a space cadet, and lets face Bud Selig is a joke!!!! Two of your biggest stars are humiliating you. By the way speaking of baseball, is Big Papis struggles due to a lack of being able to use steroids? He declined last year when the steroids news broke and hasnt been the same and is actually getting worse, I am just saying someone should look into it.

SO the DUKE kid is going to play football at Syracuse. So what kind of statement is this, he hasnt played football in four years and will probably start, is that a testament to how good he is or how badly that program has fallen? i think how badly that program has fallen. Greg Robinson, really, he was a terrible defensive coordiantor and a worse head coach.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

14 May 09

Well hockey season is officially over. The Pens beat the Caps in what i am sure is going to be the best series of the year. oh sure they still have two more rounds of playoffs left but who cares. the two best players in the league just went head to head and the Pens won it with SYD THE KID stealing the show. Now all that is left is who survives without boring us to tears.

that is where the NBA is lucky whether its Lebron vs Kobe or even Melo, it will be entertaining to the end. Personally you should all stop calling Kobe a superstar, he is a punk and always will be and will never win a championship on his own. NEVER!!! Not his fault though i blame the sports writers, they built him up to be the next Jordan and well that he is NOT! Now Lebron may be able to hold that title but time will tell, that he is his own superstar and will be in the NBA finals again for the second time in only his sixth season with little to no cast support. Thats His Airness right there, Jordan had Pippen, Lebron has who?????

I have decided that if the Yankees win their 27th this year i will stop saying A-Rod SUCKS.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

12 May 09

Boy the NHL must really be kicking itself that Washington and Pittsburgh are meeting in the semifinals, this series has lived up to the hype and is fantastic but going to end without declaring a champion of anything. Well atleast the Mavs can say they werent swept but they will lose the next game. Cleveland may not lose until the Finals, and it wont be many times thats for sure. Boston or Orlando doesnt really matter; where it gets interesting is not Kobe but if Lebron and company play Melo and company, it will be Magic and Bird all over again. This series would truly be the two and their support, Magic had Kareem, Worthy et al; and Bird had Parrish, Mchale, DJ et al. Lebron and Melo dont have casts like that! Do they even know what Lacrosse is outside of the north east? four teams from ACC are in the elite eight of NCAA Lacrosse, so apparently they do do other things besides basketball.

As i get older and the physical gifts go away, the one sport i can still play is eating for size and coma. in that spirit i say we need more prime time iron chef/american iron chef events to watch and taste test. the heck with the millionaire cry babes, lets race to get great food out to eaters!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

10 May 09

With all the excitement about Manny and the fertility drugs that he needed has anyone in Boston noticed that the mighty Bruins and Celtics are in serious trouble. I suspect that there is just so much jubile that they dont even care up in New England.
Is anyone out there in NBA land even hoping for anything but Kobe vs Lebron? Personally, I love watching the Lakers and Kobe lose it cant happen enough for my taste. He still hasnt won anything without Shaq and until he does, hes just a punk!!!
By the Way for those that are interested NHL is in playoffs too! Unfortunately for the NHL Ovechin and Sid the Kid are playing each other in the semifinal round, too bad the best two players are meeting so early, ratings will take a hit when that series is done!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

9 May 09

And with one swing of the bat A-Fraud worms his way back into peoples hearts. what a shame we are as sports fans. we keep paying higher ticket prices allowing owners to make more pay more to these millionaire cry babies and its all our fault. we have no one to blame but ourselves. In 50 days Ramirez will do the same thing in LA and all will be forgiven even for a guy who has proved over time he is nothing more than a punk, a selfish punk at that. We need to send a better messge to athletes than this. pretty soon Michael "dogman" Vick will be back in the NFL, and why (after spending 18 mos in jail) because he can run fast and sell tickets to the games, sports arent sports anymore, its big big big business. What happened to the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat? the old days players played for the love of the game!!! forget about the steroid era, thank Michael Jordan for the era of BIG MONEY!!!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

7 May 09

IS this just "Manny being Manny" or can we finally say this guy can hit but is a complete moron!!! Thank Goodness for Manny, He makes A-Rod seem boring. Well win four lose four, so this proves money doesnt buy happiness as $200 million doesnt buy any wins thats for sure. Is it me or are the NBA playoffs boring outside of Boston. They arent going to win it all again but atleast the games are interesting. Cleveland and LA just look tooo good. Hockey looks good in HD and like crap in everything else. PS when is it going to stop raining in NEw York? Its like Seattle here but atleast they have enough sense when building a new stadium to put in a retractable roof!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

5 May 09

The new Yankee Stadium was all it was cracked up to be. Absolutely beautiful but for 1.5 billion it should be. Just awesome and what could be better in the new stadium than playing the red sox. Now yes they lost but it was a great game. I met a couple of kids from Holland that were visiting the US, they had seen a Yankee - redsox game in boston then were intown last night to see the game in new york. man what a charmed life. wish i could follow the yankees.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

3 May 09

SO the Celtics won the greatest series of all time as the writers have written. blah blah blah. its competition thats what it is supposed to be, after all it is a game. Its what games were before big over priced salaries took over sports. Millionaires playing kids games and crying about how they are unfairly treated.

Tiger Woods is human

Tomorrow night i shall witness the renewal of a rivalry unparralled in sports, in the sports newest Grand Collisuem, the New Yankee Stadium. Two tickets to see the Yankees vs. Red Sox and to play fair i am bringing one of my best friends and also a Red Sox fan as we battle it out in the stands as the teams battle it out on the field. Not only will it be a great game to watch but i will enjoy it with a friend and fan of the game that is equal to me interest. What could be better than that.

Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day 09

sports writers get sooo bored they most label everything to keep themselves interested. Why is that? if you dont like covering sports get another job. The Celtics-Bulls series is good but why do they have to call it the greatest of all time already and its not even over yet? Why do things have to be the greatest of all time? How about it is just a great series with two teams pushing themselves and their opponents to the edge of competition. It is great to see millionaires that actually play hard and want to win. Must cash it in mid season and just start spending the money on off season plans.