Tuesday, December 29, 2009

29 December 09

Its the time of year when football teams are gearing up for the playoffs and the choking begins. Yeah yeah Indy wants to prepare for the Super Bowl by losing. Saints are lost, Vikings are tired and the AFC Wild Card includes everyone with a pulse. Yippie, no strong teams. Oops Im sorry Team Chargers you guys are actually playing hard and winning big. I guess your plan of going all out is the key. Well atleast we have one team that has its nose to the grind, now of course next weekend they wont play have their people and will still beat the Dedskins. So its wrong for one of your coaches to interview for your job, while you are still in it? Or did all of you miss the bigger picture in the fact they found the first African American close to home and did a fake interview so they could go ahead in hire Mike Shanahan and please the NFL by faking the interview for the Rooney Rule? Yeah more of the later I would say.

Hey Urban Meyer you are NOT on the Hot Seat so why are you stressing out? It could be worse, you could be Mike Leach, Charlie Weis, or even Bob "better not lose another bowl game" Stoops, or for that matter, Jim "I cant win the big one again" Tressel. Life is good its warm in Florida and you always have excellent recruiting classes so seriously why the long face?

How is Kansas ranked #1 in CBB? Texas and Kentucky have played better competition and won all of them. Kansas is #1 on name alone. They havent impressed yet. Even Syracuse has played better than Kansas. Who in the world has Purdue beat that gives them such a lofty perch? Why is North Carolina in the Top Ten with 3 losses? Who exactly have they not lost to, that keeps them up so high. Yes they may be good but not Top Ten good right now.

Friday, December 11, 2009

11 December 09

Has anyone seen the Pittsburgh Steelers, they seem to have gone missing. Seriously, how do you lose to the Cleveland Browns when you are in a playoff hunt? How do you play that poorly. Troy Palamalu cant be that great that without him you go from Super Bowl Champ to super Chump. For all you Big Ben fans its ok, he isnt that great, its time to understand that now. Hey cant beat you, he is no Manning or Brady.

Syracuse beat Florida last night by 12 and now have basically taken apart three top 25 teams in this short season already. They have won each game this year by double digits, so where is the love? Everyone was quick to denonunce them when they lost an EXHIBITION game, now that they are killing teams where is the same press for praise? by the way, Kentucky has won some big games recently, UNC and UCONN but by 2 and 3 points respectively, SU beat UNC by 18 and Florida by 12 and CAL by 25, so lets all get on the right bandwagon. We also start a freshman so shut up!!! Can you say more complete team!!!

So if Tim D (ex NBA ref) is correct who do i pay to help officials bring in a few more wins for the Knicks. If thats all it takes, who do i talk to? Clearly, the NBA has issues and should start fixing them instead of counting dollars. What a joke this league is!!!

Concussions are all of a sudden very important in the NFL, wow the NFL has lost several great QBs to this injury over the years but now its really important to look at??? Come on people, Roger Stauback, Steve Young, Troy Aikman, just to name a few, where was this concern years ago, oh wait years ago it didnt cost the league this much money to have stars not on the field, maybe you should stop overhyping players and start hyping TEAMS. Individual stars dont win on their own, the TEAM wins.

Brian Kelly has done a great job at Cincinnati, no doubt, but why does that make him the best fit for Notre Dame? I am not a Notre Dame fan by any stretch, I loved it when Holtz left, the fell off the map, but Kelly is the best you could do with the resources you have? That is shameful and ND fans should revolt. He isnt a recruiter and the players that will be eligeable at ND (academically) will not win in his program. They will still lose games 33-30. Shame Shame Shame.

These winter meetings in MLB have proven one thing for me, the Yankees are the only team that ever want to win NOW. Look at all the balking for players and salaries with teams saying we have to look to the future. Well keep looking and you will still be losing. You can never take away a championship, so why not just go for it! Why try to play the we are building a team for the future game, when you are close now and can do it now!!! See Dodgers, Angels, Phillies, Mets, these teams can pay but dont want to. Mariners are going for it but have no shot, its cold and rains there all the time who wants to play there. Cardinals know beyond a shadow of doubt without Holliday, they wont keep Puljos so there goes that franchise, just pick up the tab and go compete for a title. Speaking of dumb, why would anyone want Milton Bradley, can you say cancerous?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

10 December 09

The Yankees won the World Series this year and a lot of the talk afterwards was about the "Core Four", Jeter, Posada, Rivera, and Petitte. Nowwhen you look at these four that now have 5 World Series Championships apiece, who makes the Hall of Fame. At first glance, we know that Rivera will go in for his Post Season stats alone and is a virtual lock first ballot HOFer. Next, Jeter is also a first ballot HOFer, and thats even if neither played another game, they are both in. Now you get to Pettite, and with him coming back for another year, he can further make his case. He wont be the lock that the other two are, but he has a very reasonable chance. He could end up with over 100 more wins than losses if he wins six more than he loses in the upcoming season. All pitchers that have that stat that are eligiable are in. He has the most post season wins. He pitched in 8 World Series with two teams. He does have a high ERA but this is the steroid era where hitters obviously had the advantage. He admitted to HGH but his reason of trying to recover from injury and being honest about it will help him and he is very likeable. He should make it. Last, we get to Posada, and he will be the hardest case of the "Core Four", because of his stats. Yes he has 5 Rings, he is a reasonably good hitting catcher which is a very tough position. But his stats dont jump out at you at all. His best years are average, maybe not for a catcher but for hitters in general. Only once did he reach 100 RBIs. He hit 30 HRs once. He will finish with probably around 1700 hits, so his case will be very debatable. It gets back to his contributions to the teams that won 5 Rings, and the first one he was a backup, the next time he split time. So where does he rank with HOF catchers? The Yankees will undoubtably retire all 4 of these guys numbers when they quit playing. Its tough sometimes because these are Yankees and the Yankee lore and history will be most of what these guys are judged by, but they are truly great players and probably only three will get the Hall Call. The biggest thing to remember when looking at these four is this, it is A LOT HARDER now to win it all than it was for Yankee teams of years gone by. You can say Pettite has more wins in post season because of the extended playoffs, but keep in mind to win it all you have to go through three rounds now and that makes it so much harder to keep playing at a level of excellence because each series you play against tougher and tougher teams. Wouldnt it be amazing if all four retired together and got inducted to the HOF together, but alas that wont happen. Jeter will play a lot longer than the other three as Rivera, Posada and Pettite are all older and have dimishing skills where as Jeter could keep hitting for years to come. By the way, Jeter is ahead of Pete Roses pace for all time hits.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

9 December 09

People its time to start realizing that once you begin to idolize some human being because they are really good at something, they get knocked down. God is letting you know he is the only one to idolize. Its a commandment, yet all of you still want to find sports figures as idols. Shame on you. If you look at it most of these sports idols fall prey to the simplest of transgressions too. Magic, Jordan and now Tiger, sins of the flesh. They dont even go out of their way to screw up tough ones, they simply just abuse their status by falling for the oldest trick in the book the devil employs, sex. The downfall of the majority of men is sins of flesh. Does sex change their ability to play sports, no but it does change our perception of them. So pay attention, why idolize a human being and then act surprised when they fall, even David fell!!! Its not that God isnt paying attention, its that he is paying attention. If your super idol is tempted so easily, God shows you that He is the only one!

And so now in Week 13, it looks as if my prediction of Baltimore vs. Philidelphia in the Super Bowl isnt going to happen. How did they fall so fast? Ray Lewis is only so good and that offense isnt producing as it should. Philly could make a statement but they arent consistent enough either. The Redskins should be 6-6 but arent because of their inability to close out games with what is touted as a great defense. Haynesworth isnt worth $100 million, he is a big tired crybaby. The Vick experiment is boring. Favre came back to earth, thank goodness. Eventually, all gunslingers go back to slinging, hahaha Vikings get back on track and hand the ball to Peterson.

Seriously, TCU vs. Boise St, come on is that the best we can do. TCU should be playing Florida, Cincinnati should be playing Boise St and what kind of world sends Iowa to a BCS bowl. Are that many teams this bad? USC fell apart. Notre Dame needs to swallow its pride and join the Big Ten. IF it wasnt for alumni we wouldnt even hear about ND. They havent been relevant in years!!! But so many want them to be they whine in the media to keep hopes alive. BOO HOO let it go. You are either an institution of higher learning or a sports factory, ie. Florida, Alabama, USC, etc... Speaking of which, why are they considering paying athletes? They get an opportunity for a FREE education. Ask any kid that wants to go to a school that cant afford it if they think athletes should also get paid and they will laugh at you. You are either there to teach or produce professional players, not both. Too bad higher learning is about money.

If the road to the World Series goes through New York, then why dont more teams want to pony up for a guy with a career winning percantage of .750 against them. Really, do you want to make money or win championships. Say what you will about the Steinbrenners, they want to win and are willing to spend to do it. So all you Yankee haters stop whinning because your ownership just wants to make money, Championships be damned. Speaking of stupid, the Nationals are paying Pudge $6 million over two years for a backup roll. Really, that is your idea of improving your fan base and increase ticket sales? Their starting catcher doesnt even make that. Wow. Some people know how to spend others dont have a clue.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2 December 09

Hey didnt they use to play basketball in New Jersey?

So the top three teams have stayed the top three teams all year, Florida, Alabama, and Texas, boring. Does anyone remember the year everyone just keep losing when they got to the top, it was only 2007. Boy the good old days. TCU will get no shot at title. Cincinnati should lose against Pitt so atleast they will know why they will get no shot at the title. Boise State well atleast they have that cool blue turf cause thats all they get. But what can i expect you all are the same people that keep picking from Republicans and Democrats no matter how bad they are, this country use to be about how was best for the job. Now its about picking the lesser of two evils. What a shame!

Favre just wont go away. cant any defense fix this problem. one good hit and hes done that all defensive coordinators, he doesnt like getting hit, send the kitchen sink after him in the first half and knock him and Minnesota out! Drew Brees, Peyton Manning, Favre, Chris Johnson all very nice MVP candidates sure, but what which one is the one you want with the ball when it matters? Goodbye Broncos, Giants, Falcons its been nice seeing you. Hello Titans, Eagles and Bengals. Where did you go Ravens, come back, I had you going all the way! Has anyone seen Joe Flacco cir. 2008?

How is MLB making so much money and teams are losing money?

Derek Jeter SI Sportsman of the Year. Normally, I would love this but really who were the other choices, most of these bums er, professional athletes are drunk, drugged, overpaid, wife beaters, strip club frequenters, really where are the men that use to play sport.

For all those that believe money buys happiness just ask Elin Woods. Her husband is loaded and bored apparently. WHo hasnt had a wife chase them out into the night with a weapon upon finding out there is some infidelity. so what people move on. She will get more than half, they have two kids.

The one and done rule in NCAA basketball is stupid stupid stupid. All this great young talent will be long gone before it even develops. Its too bad too because follow on years could be real exciting with the talent in college this year. One year is not enough time to Gell. Everyone wants money, doesnt anyone actually want a championship? Isnt that why we play the game? to be the best, the Champs? Why does everyone want money? A lot of the pro athletes end up broke anyway, cant manage their own finances.