Friday, October 30, 2009

30 October 09

One more day to Halloween. And yet i get no candy, just because i am too old to fit into a custome, it just doesnt seem fair.

Two games down in the World Series and its all tied at 1. Cliff Lee was lights out in game 1 and AJ Burnett pitched 7 solid innings to get the series tied up. Lots of good pitching not a lot of hitting coming from Ryan Howard or Alex Rodriquez. So what is in store for us this weekend in this series? Baseball has proved it needs Instant Replay so how long till Selig gets this done? Another two back to back bad calls and i dont want to hear any well they evened out talk, because that just doesnt cut it anymore.

Favre goes back to Green Bay this weeekend still dont care. But this should be the last time we have to hear about Favre and Green Bay. I agree with Mike Golic right now Aaron Rodgers is a better QB. If Rodgers had Adrian Peterson, his teams won loss record would be better too.

I am all for having about 5 or 6 different FBS teams go undefeated this year and see who the computer, you know the one that Bill Gates made that freezes up all the time, pick the BCS game. I mean Iowa of all teams has the toughest battle as no one wants to see a Big Ten team in the big game again, thank you Ohio State. TCU couldnt get into a good conference like its fellow Texas' schools, Cincinnati and the Big East are not what the Big East used to be withoout Miami, Virginia Tech, who lost at home last night, and Boston COllege in the mix, Boise State will never be given a shot even without undefeated teams, the WAC is horrible, so whats the fix without a playoff? Here is a radical idea make conference champions play each other in the early Bowl schedule then pick the winners for the Big Bowls.

Hey NBA fans did you see the game 6 2002 Western COnference finals apparently neither did the refs.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

28 October 09

It all comes down to this: You catch the ball, you throw the ball, and you hit the ball. Everything else is just gravy. It doesnt matter what happened yesterday it only matters what happens after the umpire says "play ball" And so tonight starts the 2009 MLB World Series between the New York Yankees and Philidelphia Phillies. What is a Philly by the way? Everyone says Yankees in 6. I dont I say Yankees in 4! But hey its going to be baseball at its best.

Sabathia vs Lee
Martinez vs Burnett
Petitte vs Hamels

After that its anyones guess. WHo will hit better? Who will run? How good will the defense be?Whos uniforms look better, well duh the Yankees, they dont change! You cant mistake those pinstrips! Matsui. THere you have it.

What's next?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

27 October 09

Its nice being a Giants fan here in DC as i sit and listen each day going to and from work all the Redskins fans wanting to fire everyone because their team is not producing much. It is great and makes the commute more bearable.

The NBA kicks off its season and i will say it again, not even interesting until March.

Didnt NFL Europe fail, so why are we playing games in London? They will never like our football over there just like we dont like their football over here. Surprising as they are all violent fans and our game certainly has some violence in it. Just ask and linemen!

College Football this year has no clear dominate team, is it me or are there just too many 23 to 17 games going on? When do we get to see teams dominate like the days of old. Iowa wants to be involved in the BCS championship game talk and yet they won 15 to 13 on a last second touchdown of which i have to wonder what the CB was thinking when he was guarding that receiver. It was clearly a slant route. Alabama almost and probably should have lost AT HOME, to Tennessee. Why do coaches settle for field goal attempts, that is playing to not lose which is usually what happens. That DL Cody for Alabama was lucky he wasnt called for one of those celebrating penalities as the play wasnt dead and he threw he helmet off. That would have been great a 15 yard penalty and rekick! Is it me or does USC always lose to an unranked PAC10 team? why are they never punished for that, they are still in the top 5 in polls? The ACC is horrible, the Big 12 North is even worse, the Big East isnt much better and the Mountain West wants acceptablility. Yuck. The best fame of the year is going to be the SEC Championship. How can we seriously consider Iowa, TCU, Boise St, and Cinncinati when they couldnt even win a division of the SEC let alone the conference. Here is routing for Texas and a decent BCS game for a change.

Monday, October 26, 2009

26 october 09

2009 World Series New York Yankees vs. Philidelphia Philles. Seems poetic. Angels really dont like cold weather. Hey Cleveland CC vs Cliff, they used to be yours. bummer. after all the hub bub isnt Mariano Riveria the real "Mr. October"?

Hey Eagles fans, see what happens when you run the ball against Raiders, you win and win HUGE. bummer on that 46 passes thing, maybe you need a new game plan eh? Giants have lost two in a row. New Orleans sure can light up a scoreboard. Were there any good games this weekend, i think not!!! how many teams lost by 4 touchdowns, atleast 6, same, and so much for that parody thing.

Yankees in 6. Two home run producing parks and lineups. how about three or four 8 to 7 games?

Baltimore Ravens vs. Philidelphia Eagles Super BOwl is looking a little rough right now, but its a long season.

Isnt Jim Zorn a nice guy? So calm.

Hey for $1.5 billion dollars how come they couldnt get a retrackable roof?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

21 October 09

Phillies up 3 to 1 and Yankees up 3 to 1, two teams with monster lineups, yet what do you want to bet that the WOrld Series between them would be about pitching. Each needs atleast one more win to get there so dont start the debate yet.

Isnt it nice when you buy something shiny and new and it actually works out to your expectation levels for when you made the purchase. CC Sabathia has done everything that the Yankees could have hoped for so far this postseason. Burnett hasnt been that bad either, now if they could just get Tex to hit, they would have hit the trifecta on their offseason acquistions.

Hey has anyone seen the Ryan Howard that struck out a million times this season, he has gone missing.

Wasnt the Dodger bullpen supposed to be a strength going into these playoffs? In all fairness to Manny, which i hate to do, the game should have been over, Broxton didnt do his job, they win and no one would have even heard about the shower. Why does it seem that with extra umpires in the playoffs more calls are being missed, isnt more supposed to be better?

Pro Football needs a minor league like the other sports, there is too much watered down football, we could start by placing the Raiders, Rams (hey didnt they both used to be in LA), Lions, and Chiefs there as intial teams! No not the Redskins, we still need a few teams to pick on and laugh at. The Guy never worked as anything more than a Quartback Coach, what did they think would happen?

People keep telling me the Hockey and Basketball are playing but I tell them, those two sports dont start until March when they begin to play to see what four teams wont make the playoffs.

One more thing, Serena Williams and a couple of others did a nice photo shoot, stop whining about it and start doing more of them, we need more bare essentials in the world!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

19 October 09

Yankees are winning with A-Rod being clutch. Who would have figured that? Tex hasnt been hitting but the two pitchers they picked up have been more than could have been hoped for and the bullpen has been fantastic even if missused a bit.

The Phillies are certainly handling the Dodgers pretty easily, can the Dodgers make it a series?

Hey I think Tom Brady just through another TD pass.

What in the world happened to the Titans? Did the Eagles forget to show up yesterday? How do you lose to the Raiders? That Saints offense is good! Its not even fun making fun of the Redskins anymore, they are just BAD!

College football is just a let down right now, there are no dominant teams at all! yup i said it, NO dominant teams out there just screaming we are the team to beat. Boy you have to feel bad for Sam Bradford, he comes back giving up the No1 overall pick in the draft and just cant stay healthy. For all those of you wondering why most college atheletes dont come back that is the reason, he wont even be drafted in the first round when he does come out. Tim Tebow will be drafted higher to play fullback. So sad for Bradford.

Phil Jackson wants Ron Artest to be more aggresive. Really, that last time Artest was really aggressive didnt he charge into a crowd at the Palace and cause a little ruckous?

Why are they playing a NFL game in London?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

13 October 09

Sunday really hurt the Boston area, Red Sux sweeped as their closer blew the game and Patriots lose to Broncos and those hideous uniforms in overtime. ouch

So i totally blew all the National League series games. Dodgers won in three and the Phillies won in four. So now its LA vs Phil. But the A-Rod came through in a big way. So now its Yankees and Angels in ALCS. The Yankees offseason acquisitions: CC 6 2/3, 1 ER, AJ 6, 1 ER Tex 1 GW Home Run. So far so good. But the series belonged to A-Rod, 2 HRs and 6 RBIs, by the way, he knocked in Jeter three times. We are left with the best two teams in each league fighting for the Championship, MLB has to be excited with the largest markets still involved.

Broncos 5-0, Redskins lose again to a winless team, just awesome by the way, the Zorn watch will get interesting, Wildcat running all over. Titans 0-5, Manning boys looking good, Cowboys pull one out of nowhere, McNabb is healthy, the Bengals leading their division, impressive, does this mean more ochocinco talk coming, and finally whats up with retro uniforms?

Please kill retro unis, they are scary and hurtful to the eyes. Josh McDaniel was sure happy Sunday! Wow from mahiem to 5-0, dont really know what to make of this team just yet, Monday night sure will be interesting Broncos vs. Chargers in San Diego.

Just how bad is Florida State and how where they able to whip BYU? No one plays defensive football like the SEC, Fla 13 LSU 3. Ok i will admit I am already looking forward to the FLA vs. ALA SEC Championship game, offenses beware!!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

8 October 09

Day 1 MLB Playoffs:
Phi 5 Col 1
NYY 7 Minn 2

All in all pretty much what was expected, ok maybe with the exception of Carpenter pitching so badly. Wow wrong time to have your worst outing eh? How can Albert Pulojus and Matt Holliday be sooo bad against lefties? Really really bad, that is shameful.

NFL right now is nothing but will he play or wont he? Or worse yet should he play or should he not, sounds like a Shakespeare play doesnt it?

Why do they start the NHL season in October, and now NBA preseason, this may be the busiest month of sports, we all know that February is the lightest.

Isnt NASCAR supposed to be taking stock cars and racing them, because last time i checked there are no role bars in any stock cars on any lot in this city, do i have to go down south to find that? Anyway, Dale Jr must be a terrible driver, he is with the best racing team and hasnt done a damn thing for them or himself or his crew! Well atleast he is making money with Brett Farver selling Wrangler Jeans!!!! wooo hooo

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

7 October 09

What a great game last night Twins 6 TIgers 5 in 12. Now they get to face the Yankees team that is rested and ready to christen the new ballpark. So here we go:

Yankees in 4
Red Sux in 5
Rockies in 4
Cardinals in 4

Yankees in 7
Cardinals in 6

Yankees in 6

hey Vikings fans the Jets started 8-3 last year and missed the playoffs so dont get all Favre goo goo just yet. He still will be his old self and start chucking the ball around.

To Tebow or not to Tebow, well its your season if you lose, so figure the odds he wont play. Bradford on the other hand, take another week off, you dont see Texas till the following week. The Texas game is your season!

Does anyone notice that the Hockey season started? Ovechkin has 9 points already in three games, move over Syd the Kid, this could be the Caps year.

If ever there was a year where A-Rod could excell in the playoffs, its this year. He has no pressure on him as its a team of good hitters and they have some good pitching to go with it. He could quietly win it all for the Yankees and become a legend. Or he could once again be himself.

McNabb will be back this weekend and thank goodness, now for the rest of you shut up about Vick. He is not a starter in this league, not this year anyway. The guy hired in Washington to be the Offensive Coordinator that then became the Head Coach just got an Offensive Consultant, yup he will be gone very very soon, Sorry Mr. Zorn but the writings is on the wall. How in the world did the Raiders win a game and the Titans havent? Crabtree are you serious? What a waste of time and money, dumb dumb dumb!

Monday, October 5, 2009

5 October 09

Lets recap: Miami won at home over Oklahoma (without Bradford) still a good win. Boise State moves down in the rankings after a win? Cal is horrible! Florida State, Bowden must Go! Seriously, he isnt on the field and nor does it seem are his players.

Patriots hold on over Ravens. Steelers almost give up huge lead vs Chargers! Saints put up most impressive win against Jets by using its DEFENSE, yup defense won that game! Hey has anyone seen the Titans? They were around here a year ago, they seemed to be missing. Broncos win again, but dont believe the hype people, they still havent played a good team yet to prove anything. Hey Dallas fans, YOU GUYS ARE BAD!!! But atleast the Redskins are in your division so you wont finish last, the Redskins are really really bad!

Packers vs Vikings tonight. Old vs new Favre blah blah blah, lets get this overwith already. Favre blah blah blah. The only person that cares about tonight is Favre!

So extra baseball for the tigers and twins, for the right to play the yankees, doesnt seem like a bonus to anyone but the ticket sales people!

As we open the 2009 MLB Playoffs one thing is for sure, EVERY team has problems!!! Dodgers cant hit and no reliable pitching. Cardinals no bullpen, same for Philly and Angels. Rockies clutch hitting could be scarce. Will BOston be able to throwout a runners stealing bases? Tigers and Twins may be too tired just getting there. And finally, The Yankees still have A-Rod so its anyones ball game!

But alas, 2009 World Series is St. Louis vs New York!

Friday, October 2, 2009

2 October 09

NHL season kicks off in grand fashion. Capitals #8 picks up where he left off scoring goals. Bruins did the same, Losing! Its going to be a long season with the Olympic break this winter.

Another weekend of exciting gridiron classics: Oklahoma vs. Miami(FL)
Balitmore vs New England (AFC Championship preview)
New Orleans vs New York Jets
Worst Game of the week goes to: Tampa Bay vs Washington!!!!

Only a week till MLB playoffs start.

Tiger made a $1 billions, so what isnt like he is sharing it with me, so who cares!!! Hey all you golf fans what the hell is the Presidents Cup? And why do Golfers defend it?

New York Knicks are looking good for cap space for next year! How many all stars will the get???

Would anyone outside of New York watch a Giants vs Jets Super Bowl?

Has anyone seen $100 million man Albert Hanesworth? I havent seen him this season is he still playing football, I mean you figure for $100 Million he would atleast be around something right?

How come National League Pitchers Hitting stats dont get counted in their Cy Young bids, I mean it would serve as another discriminator if you have two or three very close pitchers, hitting is apart of the game. Carpenter had a Grand Slam and finished with 6 RBIs last night, it should help him that he can pitch and hit at the same time.

Are the Red Sux and Dodgers going to be ok, I mean has either won a game in a week or what. Should the Dodgers and Rockies go all out for this weekends matchup for the Division or sit and try to prepare lineups for playoffs? Remember two years ago the Giants went all out against the Patriots in final game of year with nothing to gain except and edge in the Super Bowl which paid off handsomely in the end, so go or no go?