Monday, November 30, 2009

30 November 09

Well the year is crusing by and what a bore the football season is becoming. Teams are terrible, Giants, Ravens, Eagles, Steelers, etc... Only two three teams playing well, Colts, Saints and Vikes. And please no Vikes Super Bowl win, i dont think i could handle all the Favre love. He would be knighted and that would be painful. The college football season almost seems to be a wash. Start to finish Florida, Alabama and Texas are walking in the park. Three good teams Cincinnati, TCU and Boise St. have no chance at title and that sucks, I now and forever will hate the Bowls. People there will never be a playoff in major college football and that is a crime. FBS Football Bowl Subdivision, yup never be a playoff and all you fools will continue to contribute to it by going to the games and watching on tv instead of making a stand and boycotting these things so they lose money and have to heed the voices of the public we will continue to watch the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Even mentioning a second place Big Ten team as a BCS bowl contender is so wrong over an undefeated team that just shows People are selfish. Shame on all of you for not fighting back, where is the American spirit? 16 teams fighting for the championship. why are we even considering sending teams that dont even win their conference to the top games.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

18 November 09

Well Football is at a point where its just ugly to me. There are no good teams in the NFL right now, yes that includes you Colts and Saints. Just because you have been handed wins doesnt make you good. THe Vikings have played one defense and lost, so you are suspect plus you got the old guy and he will crumble like always. The Bad teams, Raiders, Chiefs, Rams are all really really bad. The Redskins think they can make the playoffs!!! thats the best joke so far this season. Win more than one in a row then we will talk. NCAA is just as bad, there are no more blowouts in collge football, no more dominating teams, yes shut up alabama, you are not that dominate. You have 6 undefeateds but it wont matter only two get the big money, its about time we start calling it that as that is all NCAA cares about. MONEY MONEY MONEY. MONEY. I hope they have 5 undefeated teams at the end of the year and point fingers and tell certain programs yup you dont get any of this MONEY MONEY MONEY. its not a national championship, its teh MONEY BOWL!!!!! and by the way a PLUS 1 is an even dumber idea than the MONEY BOWL. No you are going to have TWO MONEY BOWLS in one season just how greedy are these people. Hey we get this bowl because fans travel, does anyone see the stupidity of that statement? WHat the hell do fans have to do with how good the teams are? Since when do fans play the games? You go to a bowl based on your merit as a team, well atleast you should but not in the NCAA MONEY MONEY MONEY BOWLS!!! hey no bowl for you, you dont bring any MONEY.

MLB shortening the season so we dont play games in November or in a Blizzard not even on the table, why? Refer to earlier answer: MONEY MONEY MONEY. hey its a rich mans world!!!!

Horseshoes anyone?

Monday, November 9, 2009

9 November 09

My time is up I cant avoid it any longer, so i will issue my statement. Today i must eat crow. I said that NO TEAM with Alex Rodriquez on it would ever win a Championship. I am wrong. He proved to be a ehh winner. He played best when his team needed him. He really carried them at a couple of points this playoff season. He is a good player. Sorry but that is the best I can do. He is A-Rod, no more call him the other thing, which i liked a little, to be honest. But give him his do, he put all himself behind him played ball and is a champion. He did have help though, IM just saying. now i will get it together and move on.

What kind of weird football universe are we on? The Giants have now lost 4 straight and are inventing new ways to lose. The Cowgirls look actually good. Hey Colin Cowherd whats up with that Lock pick of Philly over Dallas. Thanks for nothing. A rookie QB in Tampa put up more points by himself than the Redskins have all year. My pick for the Super Bowl at midseason looks horrible; Baltimore vs. Philly. Yuck yuck yuck. Has New Orleans scored less than 30 points at any time this year? Are the Colts getting lucky? Vince Young is 2-0. with 8 to go.

Iowa blew it. I knew they would but i was hoping. Now the best we can do it 6 undefeated teams but of course someone has to lose SEC Champ. Bummer. Isnt Standford a volleyball school? Hey Oregon good ahh effort??? 52 points?? wow. Does anyone outside of the SEC play defense in this country? Well, one good thing happened this weekend, Notre Dame LOST to Navy. Its always a good weekend when they lose!!!

The NHL is in trouble if its best stars keep getting hurt. That guy in DC cant decide if he is out for a month or maybe a couple of games and they cant win without him. So how many days till the outside game again, that is about all i like of the regular season.

Monday, November 2, 2009

2 November 09

Brett Favre blah blah blah, Packers blah blah blah, thank goodness now they are done playing each other can we please stop hearing about this ridiculously lame story. By the Way for all you out there, this story started before the 13-3 seasons end, Ted Thompson and Brett butted heads drastically the year prior which started it all. Favre wanted Thompson to bring in Randy Moss and he said no, then Favre watched as Tom Brady with Randy Moss set all kinds of passing records and oh by the way go undefeated, that was the end of the relationship between those two and they have hated each other since. Favre thought he had power, Thompson proved he didnt and now they both are idiots.

Hey didnt you guys used to be the undefeated top of your class Giants? How in the world did the Rams score 17 points? Hey the Redskins scrimmaged themselves in their by week and only lost by 10 points.

So now here it is 2nd of November and the Yankees hold a 3 to 1 lead. Cliff Lee will go tonight for the Phillies in a must win after Brad Lidge lost his composure in Game 4. AJ Burnett will go on 3 days rest to try to clinch for the Yankees. The longer it stays close the better for New York and obviously a bullpen game could be very interesting provided Riveria doesnt come in. If its tied and they pull Lee it could be ugly for the Phillies. Tell me something, why not just pitch Chad Gaudin and let Burnett and Petitte rest, and they both can pitch game six if needed and allow CC game 7? If Lee throws another gem you waste Burnett who is better at home anyway. What if Gaudin could keep it close that would completely put all the pressure on the Phillies and maybe make them crack. I mean the Yankees have beaten Cliff Lee before, so anything is possible but Giradi has his ideas I guess and one win away from the Champioship and he is going for the throat, thats good if you are a Yankee fan. And for the Phillies what do you do if Lee gives up some early runs, when does panic time set in?