Friday, July 31, 2009

31 July 09

So now it all comes clear, everyone cheats!!! so what it takes to end an 86 year curse is steriods! Awesome!

I am tired of hearing about Michael Vick and Brett Favre. Who cares!!!

Hey Phil is back, so what Tiger isnt.

Seriously was there any doubt after last year and the start of this year that Ortiz was juicing and hell Manny, duh he even tried to stay on them. Wow are some athletes dumb!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

29 July 09

Its just 2 days to the trading deadline and I for the life of me with the exception of money, which shouldnt be a problem can not figure out why in the world the Red Sux and Yankees are going after Roy Halladay.

Red Sux rotation: Beckett, Halladay, Lester, Penny, Wakefield bullpen SMoltz and Paps

Yankees rotation: Sabathia, Halladay, Burnett, Petitte, Chamberlain (Hughes, whichever they keep), bullpen Brunney and Mo

And these will be pretty much the same next year. Or throw in a health Dice-K or Wang for wakefield and petitte. Makes a great deal of sense to me, those are rotations that will shut down any lineup any time any where. Game over!

For that matter, if the World Series opponent is Yankees or Red Sux, why arent the National League teams signing up for Halladay, He has career winning record against both and its not close!! So is this year the year to win cheaply? The goal is to win right?

Oh well football is starting soon, so very soon!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

28 July 09

So once again proving in this country anything can be forgiven if you can win a championship, Michael Vick will be reinstated. Just about the only thing you cant do and be forgiven by sports fans is bet on your team. eh Pete? He bet them to win so why is that bad again?

There is still a ton of trades going on in the NBAs third season and yet they still dont make sense. Chandler for Okafur, its all money. Isnt the point of a roster is for players to help you win, not be cheap. Can you win with cheap players? Dont know of any teams that have, the Rays came close last year, but still didnt win.

Baseball division leaders as of today: NY Yankees, Detriot, LA Angels, Philly, Chicago Cubs, & LA Dodgers, so so much for the small market teams and parody. Detriot wont last either the White Sox will catch them down the stretch with better pitching. If the Phillies get Halladay should we just hand them the title, or for fun can we just keep playing the games. The Yankees are now just one game back for best record in baseball. Come on, any fan of baseball you have to want to see that play out, Torre and Dodgers vs. Girardi and Yankees.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

26 July 09

So life is just getting better and better. The Yankees have gone 9-1 on the homestand and made a bolt for the top of the AL East, while BOston and Tampa have been struggling a little bit. Now they go on the rode and we shall see if they can keep it up.

The Tour de Bore is over and now we dont have to hear about that for atleast another year thank goodness. Sorry but its a bike race, boring.

Whats with all the boxers being shot recently. I mean is there a serious need to rid the world of old boxers? Argiou, Forreset, and Gatti. Its just mean. You want to kill a boxer do it in the ring and charge people money for it that is the American Dream not in cold blood over their car or because you dont love him any more.

The dog days of summer are coming!!! This means only one thing, FOOTBALL camps open very very soon. Yes bring on the pads!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

22 July 09

As I look around I see no Red Sux fans anywhere, what happened folks, where did you all go? I mean its just a little losing streak, it happens all the time. Be careful though the Rays are gaining! As we head into the dog days of summer one thought has come to my attention, since the return of A-fraud the Yankees have the best record in baseball. It just makes me cringe a little, that will only feed his oversized ego I'm sure. Why oh why does it have to be because of him, and dont any of you say its because he is the best player in baseball, he is NOT! That distingtion goes to the fella in St. Louis who to this point we will say is all natural and a machine!! year after year, he just keeps hitting with little to no protection in the line up.

Hey New York, it seems that Torre guy can manage a little!!

Hey Mets time to dismantle, it hasnt work in years so FIRE SALE baby FIRE SALE!!!!

The UFL??? havent we done this already and it failed and failed and failed why oh why do they keep trying it?

Is it me or have the Denver Nuggets done absolutely nothing this offseason to get better. Cleveland, Boston, Orlando, Miami, LA Lakers, LA Clippers, San Antonio all have made improvements but nothing in Denver and for a team that was close that is disappointing!

I think that the Dodgers and Joe Torre beating the Yankees in the World Series would completely finish off George Steinbrenner III once and for all!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

21 July 09

Just when I thought it was safe to be annoyed the Red Sux went and renewed my faith in humanity, by losing three straight and now they find themselves once again in a dead heat with the greatest sports franchise, the Evil Empire, yes the Yankees. Whats not to love about a superior team showing weakness, right at the time that their injuried players are coming back healthy, you just couldnt ask for more. Well you could but it wouldnt be legal.

Poor Tom Watson, had a chance for glory but choked like Greg Norman. Boy golf must really be a tough sport for so many good men coughing it up in the spot light. I guess thats why Tiger has such a big following, he never ever loses with a lead. EVER! Hey Phil take note. Its nice to have the lead going into Friday but its better to have it on Sunday!

Some one, anyone please tell me why Lance Armstrong is racing in the Tour de Bore. Is his ego that big? What is left to prove? Why cant athletes just hang it up before they disgrace themselves?

Look out NFC East, Romo dumped Jessica Simpson, the Cowpokes may actually win something this year. They may win their first playoff game in a bakers dozen of years. No Jessica, No TO it could lights out for cowpoke opponents. Or they may have to find something else to blame for their miserable failures. I would recommend JERRY JONES. Lets be honest that is where all the blame should be placed. Ah a new stadium, new hope, but i bet the same result will occur.

Friday, July 17, 2009

16 July 09 II

No Phil, NO Tiger, a 60 year old and a never heard of, not what the PGA was hoping for as now no one on this side of the pond will be watching the British Open. Ratings will drop drastically. ooopsssss

Thursday, July 16, 2009

16 July 09

The second half of the baseball season begins today and for some teams so does the shopping season. Time to buy or sell. Whos in and whos out, what are the hard truths about your chances. So Seattle buy or sell, what about the Brewers? For the next several weeks it will be exciting to see what teams think they are in or out. Is there a better division in any other sport as good as the AL East in baseball? I think not!

British Open starts today. No Mickelson but we do have a Tom Watson sighting!! You gotta love it when the older sportsment come alive on the big stage.

What could be wrong with a NASCAR Driver doing Meth? Its not like he is drinking and driving during the race, he waits till he has lost first, I mean come people that stuff isnt cheap he needs to earn a living to afford his habit.

With San Fransisco playing so well and needing a bat, does anyone see Bonds coming out of his house to take BP?

Monday, July 13, 2009

13 July 09

Its just confusing to me. You get tied up with the division leader then completely lose focus, how do you do that. The two best hitters on the team are out and your pitching staff gives up more runs to them than they scored in two weeks. Now they are 2 games out and on a three game losing streak heading into the all star break which to me is a BIG BIG waste of time. Still dont understand how you can have all stars in the middle of the season. What if they bomb out in the second half of the season which does happen to a lot of players, ie Josh Hamilton. It is confusing is all. thats all i am saying.

Lance Armstrong good job on the 7 wins now go away. I am tired of hearing about the great lance armstrong, now he wants to race every year, i guess he found a way to beat the PED tests so he figures at his age he can keep going. Once he goes away then we can stop hearing about a bike race across france. Then all we need to do is kill soccer and the dumb sports are gone. just because every country plays soccer we have to have it on tv I THINK NOT!! its the cheapest sport in the world thats the only reason its played everywhere. a ball and open field thats all it takes, and a bunch of crazies willing to chase said ball all over said field. BORING!! 2-0 is a blowout but still BORING!!!

How soon till football season??????????

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

7 July 09

Welcome to the second NBA season called Free-Agent Frenzy. tracking, plotting and none of it matters till October, when they get together and see if any of it works but hey lets waste time talking about it now right???? Hes going here hes going there, so what there are no games for months, it doesnt matter right now STOP wasting my time.

How can Federer be the best of all time when he cant beat Nadal on clay. Its it important to be the best of all time to not have someone or some venue you lose at all the time. Would he even have the last two majors had Nadal not had the injury and lost in France before having to bail out of the all England Club. Seriously, you can not be the best all time with consistant losing. Dont get me wrong very nice guy, but beat Nadal on clay and we can talk again. Samprass wasnt the best of all time he couldnt win the French. Agassi was considered great because he did win all the majors but he wasnt best ever because he couldnt consistantly beat Samprass.

Now Tiger, that is another story. He is just playing with the others. Its not even close. The only thing that beats Tiger is Tiger. If he could get out of his own head during first rounds of majors he would win them all. If he has a bad first round in a major you can beat him. But if his first round is even close to decent its time to play for second.

Ah the MLB all star boredom feast is nearly upon us, yes yes the World Series is homed in the winners league, so what! The game is a waste of time. Its four days without my team playing and so i am bored waiting for it to end. Baseball heats up in July so why on earth do we slow it down with a week for all starts when in reality some of these so called all stars with end up terrible by the end of the year. Shouldnt an all star be an all star for an entire year first. So the NL west which has been led by the Dodgers all year may actually be interesting to watch with the Giants and Rockies getting better and better. Like to see that, Texas may hold up this year and even challenge the mighty Angels. The Centrals in both league will be a case of who is left after all the fighting and the NL East is just scary bad, the Marlins could win it with guys not old enough to enjoy a champagne bath. But one thing you can always count on in baseball, The Red Sux and Yankees!!! Ah life is back to normal!