Monday, August 31, 2009

31 August 09

Well i have been out of the loop for awhile now and just getting back into the swing of things, but a lot has happened.

They gave Vick a job and Pinella should lose his.

Tiger choked for the first time in a Major and lost to a Korean fellow, no Asian had ever won a major before. Tiger couldnt buy a putt with all his money and still cant. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Florida is the concensus number 1 team in college football, but the best game of the year will be Oklahoma vs. Texas, no offense SEC but they dont play a lot of defense in that conference so two Heismann hopefulls should light it up.

The Dodgers may not even win their division if they keep up the losing! Does anyone want to win the AL Central?

Monday, August 10, 2009

10 August 09

Well Tiger does it again. Is there anything to say about him that hasnt been said? I think not!

Red Sux have a lousy weekend but the Yankees have a great one. Damon and Texiera ball out Giraidi, again.

Football season is ever so much closer. TO looked pretty tame in the Hall of Fame game. What was the deal with those throw back unis in that game. Boy that was a nice powder blue wasnt it!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

6 August 09

So here it is the begining of August and I still cant find a Red Sux fan to talk baseball with. The Phillies made the biggest splash at the trading deadline but i dont think it will help. They will not be able to beat the Dodgers two years in a row, that is of course if the Phillies can even beat the Cardinals. The Cardinals have a very light schedule for a month and should be able to take full advantage.

The Yankees are winning and A-Rod isnt really playing that well, if he heats up it could be lights out for the rest of the American League. As it stands right now I vote for Mark Texiera as MVP, he has been an incredible difference maker for New York for his all around game.

Another day another football player looking for mercy from Roger Goodell, when does it end, when do these superstar athletes learn they are not above the law and need to be accountable for themselves these spoiled little brats. I blame the media for hyping them as the next great thing from the time they are in grade school. I mean do we seriously need to evaluate middle school kids for a top 100 list in their sport in their age group. Give it a rest guys leave these kids alone and let them grow up.